5. Lucky Girl

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This night is sure is something, freaking Johan lied.

He ordered a room, and every food in the menu he laid eyes on, and gave you an expectant look.

"What, what are you looking at me for?" You asked confused, he just stared at you.

The receptionist is looking at the both of you awkwardly, "What.. just say it man." You mumbled.

Getting the memo, you glared at him and opened your wallet, taking out your card, you gave it to the receptionist.

While the girl working at the counter counted all the expenses (mostly Johan's), you talked to your so called 'friend'.

"I'm never going with you ever again, can't believe i fell for that stupid trick!" You babbled, while Johan watched you silently.

"Ah enjoy, the food will be served in about a few minutes." The girl said rather.. bored.

Whatever that was not your problem, he is, "How could you betray my trust like that.. sneaky bastard." You mumbled to yourself, walking ahead of Johan.

"Sorry, it was the only way i'd get you to go out, me being a bonus." He said rather impassively.

"I have to go to the restroom, i'll meet you at the room, don't sing, you'll be paying for everyone's ear surgery here." And once again, he replied with the attitude, he's so sassy and for what?

Whatever, arriving at the room, you sat down and eyed the food the had already arrived a few minutes prior, taking a bite of everything you waited for Johan impatiently.

Hm, you wonder if he's leaving again? Not on your watch, as your thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the opening of the door, assuming it was Johan.

"Hey, what took you-"

"Hi pretty! I missed you! You never replied to my text, but im glad you're here, let's chat a bit okay?" And with that your heart dropped, with a shaky breath you looked where the voice came from and saw Jihun.

Biting back whatever you had in mind to kick her out, you stayed silent and observed the group she bought with her.

'Three girls, and four? No five guys? Including Jihun that's four of them.. no way i could take all of them in a fight.'

"What's up? Why aren't you speaking and hey! How come you didn't invite us in here look at all this food you have! Don't tell me you were planning to pig out in here?" She mocked you, just like always.

"What do you want Jihun?" Celebrating mentally for not stuttering, you watched as her expression changed, 'mockery to amused?'.

"Well, you know, a lot actually, but first let's chat and get to know one another! Are you–!" Her sentence was then abruptly cut, by the door slamming.

"Hey who fuck was that?" One of the thugs Jihun bought in complained, his finger being coated by the food you bought!

Not just any food too! It was Johan's, 'seriously..? I bought that for him, bastard.'

With a dejected look, you faced the door to find your partner— pardon me, your friend.

"Whose that? He's a bit cute isn't he?" A girl from Jihun's little group whispered. 'A bit? He is.. wait, i'm not even gonna deny it.'

"Hey asshole, you're in the wrong room, turn around and apologize!" Another one of the guys Jihun brought yelled.

"Hey.. do you know him?" With such a small whisper you would've never heard her if she was far away, but that's not the case, cause you heard her loud and clear.

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