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As Jay woke up in the morning, y/n was nowhere to be found. He then found a note attached to the door that read:

"I've gone to work. Make sure to eat the food I've left in the fridge. I bought some ointment and bandages, I've taken care of my foot so don't worry.

He brushed his teeth, then ate the food y/n left for him. He took his bath, got in his car, and headed to Heeseung's house.

As he arrived, he knocked on the grand front door. A depressed Heeseung opened the door for him. Jay, as a person would have asked what was wrong, but as his ex girlfriend's cousin, he didn't.

Jay brushed passed Heeseung, not even saying a 'hello'. He went to Heeseung and y/n's once shared room. He expected Heeseung to have packed her things in a suitcase or something, but he didn't see anything like that.

As he turned around to ask Heeseung where her things were, Heeseung got down on his knees shamelessly in front of him. "What are you doing?" Jay asked "Get up." He ordered Heeseung. Heeseung still on his knees started crying. "Please, don't let her leave me." He begged Jay. "I wasn't in my right senses yesterday. I got a tip that y/n was cheating on me, I don't know why I believed it I realize I was a fool. I can't live without y/n. Please..." Heeseung then grabbed Jay's leg.  Jay shook him off at once. "Its not me you should be begging. Plus even if you believed the tip you received, there's no reasonable explanation for why you threw a vase at her. Even if there was, y/n isn't exactly the forgiving type, and I'm sure you know that. Now, give me a suitcase."

Heeseung got up from his knees, and brought out a suitcase from a wardrobe. He handed it to Jay, and Jay started folding and placing y/n's clothes in it.

As he finished, Heeseung offered him some food. "I don't want to eat with you, and I won't eat with you." Jay responded. "Not with me, I don't have an appetite." Jay scoffed and headed out of Heeseung's house.

On his way back to the hotel, he called y/n that he had retrieved her clothes. She thanked him.

Time skip~
___ ___ ___

It was day one of the filming for "9 lives, 1 heart"

This took place around 4 months after the incident between y/n and Heeseung. Y/n had told Riki what had happened and he comforted her. Riki and Heeseung didn't talk after that.

"Now I won't feel bad. I can finally tell her." He thought to himself.

"Hey Riki!" Y/n joyfully greeted as she saw her once friend, now best friend. "Hi y/n!" Riki greeted back. They had both changed into their costumes to fit their roles, and was waiting for the producers call.

"Are you excited for today's shoot?" She asked him full of excitement ."Yeah, I get to do a series with my best friend!" He replied. "The feeling is mutual." She said.

"This is your first series. Don't be nervous, be yourself, memorize your lines and the most important--" He advised her before he was cut off. "Don't look into the camera." She finished. "Sunoo briefed me about it before we got here." He looked at her. "Hwaiting!" He said as he shook his fist in front of his face.


As everyone was in their places, "1, 2, 3, ACTION." Producer Sim yelled once again.

9 lives 1 heart's shooting finally began. Everybody was full of energy, and was already excited for the outcome.

"GREAT WORK EVERYBODY" Produced Sim yelled. "Does he have a normal voice?"y/n asked Riki. "I'm not sure why don't you go ask him?" Riki playfully said to y/n. She just glared at him.

Sunoo walked over to y/n and bowed. "Your majesty, I am proud of you for officially becoming actress." He teased. "Thank you my loyal Henchman." She replied. "Henchman?! I prefer to be called a companion." "Alright, Thank you. My loyal companion." She corrected herself.

"Uhh...  Y/n I need to tell you something, can we go in private?" Riki asked.

"Sure, why not?" She replied.

"As they stepped out of the earshot of the staff, Ni-ki said, "I like you y/n." Y/n just stared at him in shock, then pity.

"I'm with somebody else...." She said. Riki wasn't heartbroken as you expected him to be. He thought it was a possibility since he had waited 4 months before he told her. He stalled too much, that was on him not her. "As long as it's not Heeseung." Riki said. "Its not, don't worry." Y/n then hugged Riki he felt as if it was a sorry hug, and assured her he was fine.

___ ___ ___ ___
3 years later

"Mommy, who's this?" Min-Jae asked. "That's your father when we was young. He was so mean to me back then." Y/n replied. "I couldn't help it, Soobin told you I didn't like meeting new people." Beomgyu replied to what y/n had said. "I still fell for you though. Your charms are not easy to escape." He teased. "Neither are yours." Y/n said. "Ewwwwwwww." Min-jae replied in disgust.

If you're wondering how it got to this, txt and y/n had more modelling opportunities together. In the course of meeting at her studio and HYPE headquarters, Beomgyu and y/n the unexpected couple, fell for each other. They dated in secret, until they both decided to expose their relationship. Moas were very supporting and wished then the best. About a year later, they got married and had their first daughter, Min-Jae. Jay and Riki visited them often and chatted with them, sometimes stayed over. Jay was very affectionate and playful with his favourite  cousin's  daughter. Riki had met a female, Eunchae and had been dating for some time. Jay and Wonyoung got together, and everybody was living a happy life. Heeseung on the other hand was happy in public to protect his image, but was sad and angry with himself for letting y/n go in the first place. He once attempted $u!c!de, but later dropped the knife and cried.

___ ___ ___
Hello luvs <33333

I wanted to make the book longer, but this seemed like an appropriate time to end it.
I am currently working on another fanfic called "Her Aura". So make sure to stay tuned if you liked this story!

Thank you for your comments, votes and reads. This is my first time writing a fanfic, but you guys made it a worthwhile experience.

Lots of love,

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