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"You know I can't leave you alone

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"You know I can't leave you alone."

~Age: 25~

The warm sunlight poured into the room and I awoke with a splitting headache and an aching pain shooting through my body.

"Ugh," I groaned and closed my eyes shut and gripped the sheets underneath me. I slowly turned my head away from the window and opened one eye and peered at the unfamiliar room.

I opened the other and scanned the spacious room that was nicely color coordinated with the furniture.

"Where am I?" I racked my brain for an answer, but all I received was a pounding headache that left me clutching my head.

I propped myself up on my elbows and caught sight  of a double dresser with a large mirror across the room and stared at my reflection in the mirror. I saw a young woman with mid length (h/c) hair and shining (e/c) eyes.

"That's me?" I touched my cheek and simply stared at myself for a minute until the door creaked open.

A striking young man with black hair walked in holding a tray that contained a mug and a meal, but it clattered to the floor the moment he laid eyes on me.

"(Y/n)! You're awake!" He rushed toward me and engulfed me in a tight embrace.

My body stiffened the moment he wrapped his arms around me and I hesitantly asked, "Who.. are you?"

He slowly pulled away from me and a saddened expression was etched on his face. "You don't... remember me?"

I shook my head and stared at his glossing eyes as a heartbreaking yet sinister chuckle escaped his lips. He raised his hand and showcased a gold band on his finger. "I'm your husband, Hyunjin."

I sat there speechless as I glanced between the two until I uttered, "I don't remember you. I'm sorry."

He softly caressed my cheek and adoringly stared at me, "Whether you remember me or not, I'm just grateful that you're alive."

The corner of my lips lifted upward, but I took this moment to truly absorb his stunning appearance.

He looks like someone who was meticulously crafted by the gods and sent from the heavens to display his beauty to the world.

'Wow. Never thought I would be able to catch a guy like him. Way to go me.' I internally applauded myself and cleared my throat as an important question came to mind.

Maniac (Stray Kids x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now