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"I'll be watching you

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"I'll be watching you."

~ Age: 20 ~

I stretched my limbs once I stepped off the plane and heard my bones crack in my arms and legs making me sigh and drop my arms.

I was finally in South Korea.

My heart was filled with excitement at the sights I would see and the array of food I would try for the first time, but my nerves kicked in because I was in an unfamiliar environment that I would have to navigate for a month.

I pulled my luggage with me and departed the airport with my phone in hand as I used an app to request a taxi. I dreaded the fact that I would have to sit again after a long plane ride especially since my bottom remained sore, but I diligently waited for the taxi to come and continuously looked up and down from my phone until I saw the plate number.

The drive to Seoul was silent as I admired the scenery outside in awe as everything remained in full bloom despite summer almost ending. I quietly gasped at the places that caught my attention and mentally noted down things I would like to try.

I arrived at my destination after an hour and stared at the small house I would be staying at for the next month with a content smile on my lips. A room was being rented by the owner of this property and it was something I found online for a pretty good price.

The area around here was lively with accesible transportation a mere five minute walk away from here and various shops that I could explore.

I stepped up to the door and knocked and patiently waited until a middle aged woman opened the door with a gentle smile on her lips.

"You must be (Y/n). It's a pleasure to meet you," she softly said as she shook my hand and introduced herself as Ms. Lim.

"I look forward to staying here with you," I responded and she gave a me small tour of the place and my room and allowed me to situate myself and call for her if I needed anything.

The moment she stepped out of the room I would be staying in, I pushed my luggage aside and plopped down on the bed with a sigh as I relaxed into the soft mattress.

"Ahh, I'm going to enjoy this." I pulled out my phone and started searching for places to eat nearby and headed out an hour later.

~Two Hours Later~

It was late in the afternoon now and after I finished eating, I did some sightseeing and I rested my tired legs by sitting on the ledge of a three tiered water fountain.

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