8 Part 2

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I was roughly thrown down on the bed and I darkly glowered at all eight of them who gazed down at me with a grin that radiated amusement or satisfaction

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I was roughly thrown down on the bed and I darkly glowered at all eight of them who gazed down at me with a grin that radiated amusement or satisfaction.

"What?" I snarled.

"Nothing. We're just... happy to have you back."

"I'm not," I shot back.

"Should I shatter her legs so she won't run away?" Asked Hyunjin out of the blue and I tensed as memories flooded my mind. I pulled my legs close to my chest and shook my head, afraid that he would hurt me once more and rob me of my privilege to walk around.

"Let her keep them, but we could always go with your idea if she decides to pull a stunt," replied Minho with a smirk rising on his lips.

'I'd better be careful this time.'

After minutes of protesting, I finally got them to leave the room. The moment the door shut behind them, I screamed in frustration into the pillow and bawled my eyes out for one sole reason.

I wanted to escape from their grasp, not be detained here forever. I don't care if they're handsome or cute, I don't want to be stuck under the same roof as the ones who hurt me.

They stole something from me in each universe and the wounds they emotionally and physically inflicted on me have not healed. No, I don't think they will ever heal because those memories will forever be etched in my mind like a scar that will never fade.

My puffy red eyes venomously gazed at the locked door and the ones who resided on the other side with one thought crossing my mind.

'You need to suffer just as much as I did. You took something from me, so it's only right I do the same, right?'

~The Next Day~

The door bursting open startled me and I slightly jumped in place while lying in bed. I turned to look over my shoulder and saw Felix wearing an apron and holding a plate in his hands with some pancakes on top of it and Hyunjin with a small bowl of sliced fruit.

"Wakey wakey, sleepyhead!"

"What the... was that really necessary?" I glared at them for being unnecessarily loud and dramatic, but their cheerful tone irked me the most.

"Yes," grinned Hyunjin.

I turned away and faced the wall, but they walked around the bed and stood in front of me with the food in their hands. "This is for you."

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