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"You'll stay with me right?"

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"You'll stay with me right?"

~Age: 16 ~

I silently sat at my desk with my hand propped under my chin as I stared at the teacher who rambled on and on.

'This is so boring.'

A knock interrupted the teacher and the door to the classroom slid open. An unfamiliar boy walked in who averted his gaze from my peering classmates who whispered to one another.

"Welcome! Please introduce yourself," stated my teacher.

The brown haired boy nervously stepped to the front of the classroom and gulped down the lump in his throat. "H-Hello." His voice was slightly shaky and his head was hung low, it was evident that he was nervous standing up there. His fingers were fidgeting with one another until he clutched the hem of his blazer and lifted his head. "My name is Han Jisung. I hope we can all get along."

"Thank you for the introduction. You may take a seat right in front of (Y/n). (Y/n), please raise your hand."

I lifted my hand and I sent him a small smile when he started walking my direction. The corner of his lip lifted itself up for a split second until he avoided my eyes and seated himself. I blinked and thought to myself, 'Maybe he's shy?'

But that's not what others thought.


"Do you want to eat lunch with us?"

"Hey Jisung!"

Our classmates would try to interact with him all throughout the day, but he would avoid them by making an excuse or simply walk away from them which only irked my classmates.

"What the hell is wrong with him?" Scoffed a female classmate of mine right outside the hallway and it was loud enough to reach the boy's ear who flinched and simply kept his head hung low as he gathered his things, feeling relieved that he completed his first day.

I stared at his back for a second with saddened eyes before I turned my head away and was dragged out of the classroom by my friend.

~The Next Day~

Once again, my classmates, mostly the girls, tried to get Jisung's attention or tried interacting with him, but he froze on the spot with his lips parted open whenever they spoke to him. The girls raised their brow and tilted their head as they stared at him waiting for him to utter a word, but his face flushed in embarrassment and he covered his face and walked away from them.

Maniac (Stray Kids x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now