(Takumi) Waking up before Takumi on a Saturday morning

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Takumi is bae ;) R&R minna-san :DD


"Just you wait Yukihira Souma arghh"

Mumbles from your boyfriend regarding his rival wakes you up. You stirred a bit and you realize he was hugging you from behind. With his two arms wrap around your waist, you know escaping his hug was futile.

You decided to turn around and face him. You giggle when you saw a drool at the corner of his lips and wipe it with your sleeves.

Takumi Aldini. He was a cute boy who cries easily after losing a card game with his younger twin, Isami Aldini. But, he is the polar opposite when he cooks. You remember him from your first year camp where his station during the egg challenge was right in front of yours. You saw his passion towards cooking and instantly fell for him.

Few years later, you met him again at Yukihira's Diner when you were with Nikumi, your best friend and apparently had a one-night stand with him that night after both of you were drunk from drinking Sakaki-san's rice juice.

That very morning was quite funny. He woke up first and locked himself in the bathroom because he was too shameful to see you, someone who he had taken advantage off. You spend 2 hours threatening him to get out of the bathroom and another 2 hours to convince him it was alright as both of you were drunk.

He go out his way to make up for you as for him "A lady's virginity should be taken by whom she love". It went on for 4 months until you told him you would be away for a few months with Megumi-chan, studying japanese cuisines under Hinako-senpai.

He was exasperated and literally beg you to stay with him as he was in love with you and he was scared you might leave him for some unknown guy.

It gave you a laughing fit and his face was hilarious when you told him "I have loved you since our Totsuki days and am loving you more and more now. I don't think I'll be able to love someone else as much as I love you Takumi-kun".

After that it took you 3 days convincing him to let you go studying some more and 2 hours to let go go your waist when all of your friends were bidding you and Megumi-chan goodbye and good luck at the train station before departing to Hokkaido, where Hinako-senpai's new restaurant is stated.

Isami and Souma had to pull him off of you before the train leaves you.

You were back from Hokkaido last night and without further ado, Takumi bring you back to his apartment which he does not share with Isami.

Both of you were having a hot make-out session before Souma called saying he'll be having cook-off with his oyaji and was wondering if you and Takumi would like to be the taster.

You said yes and stops Takumi's advances, signaling him that you're tired from the ride home and you want to sleep. He reluctantly let you go and carry you to bed. You slept instantly.

Unknown to you, Takumi was wide awake and longingly stare your face. He kissed your forehead, nose, cheeks and lips before going to sleep.

Now that you're awake, you are staring at him. Lightly caressing his cheeks, you bestow light kisses on his face.

When you reach his lips, you kissed longer and was about to pull away until his hand pull your head back by the back of your head gently. He was kissing you back and pull away.

"This sort of thing should not be done in the morning when you left me hanging last night, (Reader)-chan" Takumi said with raspy voice and half-lid eyes. You smiled at him sweetly, requesting for those sort of acts to be done later tonight.

"No. You are not going to leave me hanging again" Takumi said fiercely as he hover above you, trapping your body beneath him on the bed.

You were about to retort when your phone rings.

"(Reader)-chan! Where are you and Takumi-san? The cook-off is about to start and Souma-kun really wants you and Takumi-san to be today's taster." You told her you just woke up and Megumi-chan told you to hurry up before Souma and his oyaji decided to cook nasty food. You hung up and look at Takumi with a smug on your face.

"Alright! We're doing it tonight. I am not going to hold back okay?" Takumi said with an annoyed look. You kissed his lips again and push him off. Sassing you way towards the bathroom, Takumi thought to himself, she is going to be the death of me, I swear.


Not going to lie I can only imagine doing this to Takumi because he is so adorable when he is embarrass XDDD

anyways, if you'd like, you can request at the comment section :D

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