(Ryou) My Lovely Doctor (Pt.1)

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So I was having a bubble bath and this idea just came up to me. I couldn't leave it alone so I decided to start writing a story :D 


"So what happened this time Akira-chan?" you ask him through the call. Hayama Akira, the leader of your school's nationally proud boyband, Hot Shots is your adoptive cousin. Shiomi Jun is your spice idiot aunt.  

"Kurokiba needs help! We're on our way to your infirmary now!" and then he hung up. This is odd. Usually he called and ask you to go to him because he and his friends are too lazy to walk there. 

"Carry him carefully you idiot!" you hear shouts outside and Hayama comes in with a beat up Kurokiba carried by Souma on his back with Takumi holding Kurokiba's back so he wouldn't fell. 

"Put him there" you pulled Souma by his sleeve guiding him to the empty bed. You were shocked to see Kurokiba's school shirt covered with dirt and dried blood. 

You grab a pair of scissors and cut his shirt open to see if there are any open injuries on him. Luckily there weren't any. 

"Aldini-kun, I want you to call his guardian over. Now." You said to him in a stern tone, grabbing Souma and Akira in the process. 

The three of you start wiping his body off of dirt, applying ointments on his bruises and bandaging his apparently, broken arm. 

"His parents are currently overseas and Alice is in the middle of investigating with the Director about Kurokiba's fans problem." Takumi said as he enters the infirmary. 

Fans problem? You snap a glance at Akira, making and eye contact so he would explain. 

"Kurokiba was out alone in the courtyard taking a nap when the three of us saw him from the 2nd floor. Souma was about to wake him up by throwing an empty cola can at him but suddenly five guys appeared walk towards with wooden baseball bats and starts provoking him. 

Kurokiba was mellow the first few provokes but when they start talking about someone, he went on a rampant adn starts fighting them. We quickly dashed to the courtyard to see him still fighting two guys with the other three down. 

When the two guys saw us, they run away. We left the three bastards to Alice and the Director. But what fans problem?" Akira said questioning Takumi. 

Takumi sighs. "Alice said the five guys were paid to beat up Kurokiba by a fan who got rejected by him. They still won't spit out who payed them" he said while gripping his phone tightly in his hand. 

"The Director wants us in his office to interrogate the three assholes in 10 minutes. We should go." Takumi said while giving you a soft smile. 

"Please tell Alice that Kurokiba is now alright okay? I have a feeling the girl is furious to see her aide in such a state right now because of a fan" you said while sitting next to Kurokiba's broken arm. 

"Sure thing! Bye (Y/N)-san!" Souma said while a cheeky smile and the three of them walk out of the infirmary. 

You got up to lock the door and pull the infirmary's curtains close. You walk closer to Kurokiba and carress his cheeks, looking at him with a longing feeling reside in your heart. 

"It's been a while huh Ryou-kun?" you said to him. 

"Yeah it is (Y/N)-senpai" he said quietly with his eyes closed. You pull your hand away but couldn't because Kurokiba has your hand in his grip.

He got up into a sitting position without too much difficulty and pull your body towards him, snuggling his head at you nape. His hot breath on your nape send shivers down your spine you could not deny being a bit turn on by it.

"Stop avoiding me." 

*to be continued*


I will end it here because the first time I finish it, it was a bit too rushed so I redo everything. 

Announcement, I'll be one of the writers in FoodWarsMagazine :D It will start June 1st 2016 so be prepared you guys :DD 

Also, who reads the manga here CAUSE SHIT IS GOING DOWN OMG 

I wonder if I should write  Daddy Nakiri (Erina's dad) 'cause damn he so fine. Except he's a satan living in dystopia so... 

To end this, please recommend me drama CD's (be it safe or nsfw) I need more I am drowning in that part of life. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2016 ⏰

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