(Isshiki) Jealous of a love letter II (SLIGHT LEMON)

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this is the continuation of the flashback from last chapter and it contains slight LEMON in the end. You have been warned :P


You were humming in delight as you jot down your notes. Ryouko-chan, your friend decided to ask you why you're happy. You told her your plan and she said it was a bit flawed. Isshiki-senpai receives love letter and sometimes ask the Polar Star members to help him read all of them.

You then realize that it was true but Isshiki-senpai never let you read the love letters. You were the only one left out from the team. "Why don't you confess instead of giving a love letter?" she asked.

You told her "I can't. What if he rejects me in real life? I don't think I'll be able to live in the dorm with a guy who rejects me."

"Then why a love letter?"

"With a love letter, if he rejects me, he doesn't have to see me at all. But if he likes me back, he can come find me in my room."

She nods, agreeing with my answer. "But won't giving him your love letter the same as giving him a confession? Why don't you let someone to give it to him in your behalf" she ask again. You thought about it again and will do what she told you too. When your class ended, you were searching for Souma and thank goodness you found him alone outside the school building.

You walk up beside him and ask if he is going home. He said yeah and you ask him for a favor. He looks at you questioningly and you told him your plan. He instantly agreed as he was going to be bored at the dorm. You gave him your love letter and told him specifically to hide your love letter. You said thanks and run off to your next class.

You did not realize that Isshiki-senpai saw the whole act and he punch the tree next to him. He kept punching it until he calm down. His knuckles were red and some of it were cut open, with blood trickling down. He thought of a plan and walk away from the scene, with a smirk on his face.


You were the last one to bathe that night and wore your underwear and bathrobe. Walking to your room, you hear footsteps from the ceiling. Must be Isshiki-senpai, you thought to yourself.

When you twist your doorknob open, someone pulled you inside and place their hand on your mouth. You were about to elbow the said person but he whispers his name and you relax into his arms instantly.

You turn around and was happy to see senpai wearing something his bear t-shirt and pajama bottom rather than a fundoshi or an apron. Pulling yourself away from him, walking to your dresser to grab your brush.

As you brush your hair, you ask him for his reason and he walk up to you, showing you your love letter. You thought he had read it and smile shyly at him. "Souma-kun is your crush?" he ask seriously.

Your were shock that he thought Souma was your crush. "Well? Answer me (Reader)-chan" he said, cornering you to your bed.

"I like you" you whisper shyly. It's now or never, you thought to yourself. "I like you too" he said back softly with a soft smile on his face.

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