Soulmate AU

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"You know (Reader)-chan, I have a feeling something good is bound to happen to you" said Megumi as she cleaned up her knives. The atmosphere in the kitchen was peaceful as you two are the only ones left. "What makes you say that?" you replied her.

"I don't know. It's just a feeling" Megumi said.

You shrugged her off saying you'll be late for your next class and rushed your way out. You weren't taking your time as the next class was Chapelle-sensei's class. You walk fast to his class before he enters. If he enters before any of his students, he would punish the student by giving them an E and told them to go home.

"Ouch! Watch where you're going!" a boy said as you accidentally knock his books from his hands.

"I'm sorry!" you yelled at him without looking at him. When you enter the class, you let out a big sigh as Chapelle-sensei is not in class yet. You sat down and wait for him. Few minutes later and Chapelle-sensei enters the class.

-let's skip halfway in class because i by means have no knowledge regarding cooking okay-

"Where is she?!" a blonde boy suddenly slide the class door open. He was looking at the students, though before his gaze falls onto you, Chapelle-sensei interrupts him.

"And what is your business in this class Takumi Aldini?" Chapelle-sensei ask with malice in his voice.

"Stop being irrational baka! We're sorry that this hurricane of an idiot disturbs your class Chapelle-sensei" a tan male took a hold of his collar by the back and pulled him away. The door was slide shut after.

"Moving on" Chapelle-sensei said.


"You idiot you weren't supposed to do that!" Akira said as he knocks Takumi's head. Souma is laughing behind him.

"He's an idiot for not noticing his own soulmate" Ryou said while yawning.

What happened was you knock over Takumi while he was on his way to Akira's home.


"Ouch! Watch where you're going!" Takumi yelled as his books fell. Another day of not getting the chance to beat Souma passed. "Oi Takumi! Hurry up!" Souma yelled as he, Ryou and Akira were a few feet away from him.

Takumi quicken his pace. "So who's cooking?" Souma asked.

"We're not cooking anything. We're going to my place for a tutoring session." Akira said glaring at Souma. "Well I am famished" says Ryou.

"Why don't you go back to your Alice-sama then?!" Akura scream at him. How in the world did he end up tutoring these two. Fortunately, Takumi volunteered to help. Who knows what Akura would do if it's just him.

-skip to in the middle of tutoring session-

"This is my third time explaining this to you Yukihira. Why can't you understand simple biology?" Takumi said as he massages his temples. Souma at least needs to know how the female organs work.

"Well it's not cooking related so why bother?" Souna said as he balances his pencil on his philtrum. Takumi was about to smack Souma's head with a book when Ryou called out to him.

"Oi Aldini. Your wrist is empty"

"No its not Kuro- MY WRIST IS EMPTY!" Takumi shreaks. Souma laughs his head off.

"I think the girl who said sorry just now was your soulmate" Akira said while placing down his spectacles. (Idk I imagine Hayama with glasses and he looks hot so why not) 

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