First day after marriage ☺️

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Payu was sleeping in his room when he gets the call from his grandpa...

Payu : Hello Papa... why are you calling so early in the morning...

Papa : Baby it's passed 9am in the morning...

Payu : Oh is it so I didn't knew that...

Papa : Did Rain baby wake up...???
I want to speak to you two together....

Payu gets panicked because Rain was sleeping in his room...

Payu : Give me a minute Papa I will call you back...
Am getting some important call...

Saying this he disconnects the call and runs to Rain room...

He opens the door slowly....

Rain was sleeping like a baby and looking so cute....

Payu looks at him for few seconds and gently taps on him...

Payu : Rain... Rain...

Rain slowly opens his eyes....

Rain : What happened Payu...??
What are you here so early in the morning...???

Payu : Sorry for waking you up Rain....
My Papa had called and wants to speak to us both...

So I ran and came here...

Rain : Oh Papa wants to speak to us...??
Fine then call him...

Payu calls Papa...

Payu : Papa Rain just woke up....
Your on speaker you can talk to us...

Papa : Rain baby how was your sleep....
Did you get a good sleep in your new home...???

Rain : Yes Papa I did....

Papa : So the reason I called is...
I just wanted to ask where you both are planning to go...???

Payu and Rain: Planning...???

Payu : Where should we go Papa...???

Papa : To honeymoon

Payu and Rain: Honeymoon !!!! 😳😳😳

Papa : Why you both are shouting like that...??
Just tell me so that I can arrange it for you...

Rain signal Payu to tell some lie...

Payu was so confused about what lie to say....

Rain : Papa... actually...

Papa : Yes baby tell me...

Rain : Actually I recently joined Uni and am in first year so cannot miss any classes....

We both have planned that will go on honeymoon in our summer break....

Papa : Hmmm 🤔
Fine baby as you wish....

I like that you give so much importance to your studies....

Rain : Thanks Papa....

Papa : Okay then babies enjoy you day...
Ba bye....

Payu and Rain : Bye Papa....

Payu takes a deep breath....

Payu : God really I didn't know what lie to say to Papa...

Thank god you spoke something....

Rain : Yes something came up in my mind....

Payu : Okay then Rain you continue to sleep....
I will go now...

Payu was about to leave...

Rain : Payu....!!

Payu : Yes Rain....

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