Payu had a girlfriend before 😣😳😳

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Next day Payu wakes up early and was getting ready to office so that he can hand over everything in office and come back soon to his baby...

Rain slowly wakes up....

Rain : Where are you going leaving me...???

Payu : Baby I told you na that I will go to office and handover some works and come back home...

Maid as already come she will serve breakfast for you okay....

Have it and take rest I will come within noon...

Rain : Till noon...???
No no no.... I will miss you so much....

Shall I also come with you to office...

Payu : Baby you will feel so tired until I finish my work...
Stay at home I will come back soon as possible....

Rain : I don't want to listen anything....
I will come with you...

Finally Payu agrees and takes Rain with him to office...

Payu : Baby you sit here and let me finish my work soon and come back okay...

He makes Rain to sit in a guest room and leaves to finish his work...

The place where Rain was sitting...
He could easily see people outside because one side of the wall was completely made up of glass...

As Rain was watching Payu go outside he saw a beautiful girl suddenly hugging Payu and talking so excited with him...

Rain doesn't know who that girl was...

He never saw her before....

Who is she :

The girl name was Tina she and Payu had dated each other 2 years ago...

She was Payu dad's friend daughter...

She liked Payu so much and had proposed him...
That time even though Payu didn't like her much  he just agrees for a relationship and dates her just for 2 months...

But Payu gets uncomfortable with her bad attitude and behaviour so he breaks up with her after 2 months...

It was a very short relationship...

She goes behind Payu for somedays and finally moves on because their family shifted to other city...

Payu had completely forgotten about her and never even thought he dated someone like her...

Actually scene :

Tina : Hello...!!! Payu

Seeing Payu she quickly hugs him...

Payu gets uncomfortable...

Payu : Oh hello Tina...
How are you...???

Tina : Am good....

Oh my god Payu... you look so handsome than before

 you look so handsome than before

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