Payu's RUT (part -2) 🔞

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After disconnecting the call with Pat....

Rain goes upstairs and knocks on Payu's door.

Payu opens the door slightly and just puts his head out...

Payu : Did the the supplements order got delivered ???

Rain : No....

Payu : Then why did you come here...???

Rain : Can you let me in....???

Payu : No not now....

Rain : Just for 1 minute please let me in na....

Then Rain pushes the door and gets inside Payu's room.

Whole room was filled with Payu's dark chocolate pheromones....

Which tempted Rain...

Payu was just wearing and boxer 🩳 with nothing on his top....

He was sweating and the sweats were dripping on his sexy toned body...

God he was looking hell sexy.... 🫣

Payu was breathing heavily....

Payu : Why did you come here Rain...???
Say it soon and please go out....

Rain doesn't reply anything and pulls Payu close to him and kisses him....

Payu was shocked 😳

Payu : What are you doing Rain...???

Rain : Just kiss me....

He again pulls Payu for a kiss....

Payu had already lost his control and starts to kiss Rain so deeply and desperately....

He pushes Rain to a wall and starts to kiss Rain's neck...

Payu : Why have you come here Rain...???

Rain : To help you...

Payu : Who gave you the idea of helping me..???

Rain : Actually... actually....

Payu : Tell me Rain...

Rain : I called Pat and he suggested me that I should help you when your in RUT...

Payu : God Rain your so innocent....

He cups Rain's face....

Payu : Baby Rain.... Do you know what will happen if we continue kissing when am in my RUT....

Rain : What will happen Payu...???

Payu : Do you really what to know what will happen???

Rain : Yes Payu...

Payu then pulls Rain for a heated kiss...

They both start to suck each other's tongues and devours their lips...

Payu : Baby will you lose your virginity with me...???

Rain : What...🫣🫣🫣

Payu : Am in my RUT and your my omega....
I want you so badly now...

Rain now understands that Alpha's wants to sleep with their omega when they are in their RUT...

Payu : Do you understand anything now...???

Rain nodes his head....

Payu : Then answer me....
Will you lose your virginity with me now...???

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