Rain gets injured and Payu's reaction

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Days were passing by Payu and Rain were leading their life as they were never married to each other...

Just when they get face to face at home they will speak or if any necessary things they speak...

Rain as usual get up early and goes prepares breakfast and finishes eating breakfast....

Like every day he keeps breakfast for Payu and leaves home early for football practice

Rain and Pat were at play ground practising football when some other guy unknowingly hits the ball so hard that hits Rain's right let so badly and he falls on the ground

Pat : Rain... Rain are you okay...???

Rain : No Pat.... It's paining am not able to move my leg.... I think my ankle is sprained

Then everyone gathered around Rain and brings the wheelchair and takes him to first aid room...

When Rain was taken to first aid room in wheelchair James saw him....

He quickly runs to Payu....

James : Payu... Payu....

Payu : What happened James...???

James : I think Rain injured his leg....
I saw some guys taking him to first aid room in wheel chair...

Payu gets panicked listening this...

Payu : What....???

He soon runs to first aid room....

Rain was still sitting on wheel chair and a nurse was examining him....

Payu runs inside the first aid room....

Payu : Rain what happened to you...???

Rain was literally shocked when Payu suddenly came to him and talked to him that too in college  in front of everyone....

He did not know what to answer

Even everyone present there were shocked and confused thinking of why Payu came looking for Rain

Payu was still so panicked...

Payu : Rain am asking you....
What happened to your leg...???

Rain then explains him that he was hit by a ball and his ankle is sprained....

Payu gets angry...

Payu : Who did this to you...???

Looking at Payu's furious face the guy who hit Rain puts his hand up...

Payu was about to shout at him...

Rain holds Payu's hand....

Rain : Actually he did not do it on purpose...
he did not see me standing there...

Payu : Are you sure...???

Rain : Yes Payu....

All the people around them were still confused thinking who is Rain to Payu....

Payu to nurse

Payu : I will take him to hospital....

Pat : Excuse me Phi Payu....
Actually Rain is not able to walk....

Payu then doesn't think of anything and carries Rain

Rain heart was about to jump out of his body now...

Everyone standing there were shocked 😮

And starts to talk who is Rain to Payu and why Payu is taking care of Rain...

Payu carrying Rain goes to James...

Payu : Please take care of the people in the Uni...
Before they start to spread rumours....

Tell them something....

James : Okay I will take care....

James then goes to the group of guys and says that Payu and Rain are cousins and their families are very close so Payu came here and took Rain to hospital....

While Payu was carrying Rain from first aid room to parking almost half of the people were shocked looking at them...

Then the rumours spreads in entire Uni like Rain and Payu are cousins so Payu took him to hospital....

Payu carefully makes Rain to sit inside the car and runs to driver seat...

Rain was still not in a stage to understand what was going on....

Payu starts the car....

Payu : Does it hurt a lot....???

Rain : Yeah it's hurting....

Payu : Don't worry will go to hospital soon...

At the hospital....

Doctor : Rain your very lucky that your ankle is just sprained...

It's not so deeply hurt...

If the ball hit still more hard then you would have fractured your leg....

Payu : Will he be okay soon doctor...???

Doctor : Who are you to Rain...???

Payu : Am his husband....

First time Rain hears that word "husband" from Payu's mouth....

Doctor : Oh okay...
So Rain will be okay just he need to rest about 3-4 days and he will be alright....

Don't make him to walk or put pressure on his leg until then and daily give him good massage so that his leg will be fine very soon....

Payu : Sure Doctor

Rain : Doctor when can I play football again...???

Doctor: Don't play at least for 20 days....

Rain feels sad about it....

Payu : Don't worry Rain you will fine very soon okay....

Then Payu again carries Rain back to car and takes him home....

Note : Next chapter will see how carefully Payu will look after Rain and take care of him...

End of chapter 🤗🤗🤗
Love you all❤️❤️❤️
Thanks for reading 😘😘😘

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