Payu takes such a good care of Rain😍

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It was morning...

Payu wakes up so early and prepares warm water for Rain to take bath...

He then toasts some bread with butter and jam

Because Payu doesn't know anything else to cook

He boils milk and puts everything on a tray then goes back to bedroom...

Payu : Baby... my sweetie...
Wake up na...

We have to go to check up today...

Rain : Hmmm Payu am so tired I will sleep for some more time...

Payu : Baby will come back home then you sleep...

See I even brought bread toast and milk for you to drink...

I even prepared everything for you to take bath...

Get up na my baby...

Listening what all Payu did Rain feels so happy and he wakes up....

Rain : You got up early to do all these...???

Payu : Yeah baby....
From now I will daily get up early to do all these and take a good care of you...

Rain : Omg... 🥹🥹🥹
I am blessed to have such a caring husband...

I love you so so much....

Payu : I love you too baby...

Then Payu feeds Rain...

Helps him in taking bath and dresses him up....

He also makes his hairs...

He also makes his hairs

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Rain : Am so happy...

Payu : Let me look at you

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Payu : Let me look at you...

Payu : Let me look at you

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