Happy ever after ❤️❤️❤️

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Rain was in his 9th month...

Payu had completely stopped his office work and stayed close to Rain 24/7

Rain : Payu am so scared thinking of the delivery

Payu : Don't worry baby everything will be fine and I will be right beside you...

Rain was laying on Payu's lap when suddenly he feels ache in his tummy...

Rain : Ahhh Payu I think it's time
It started aching...

Payu immediately carries Rain to the car and tells driver to go to hospital as soon as possible...

They reach hospital and Rain was taken inside in stretcher...

(Am skipping the delivery part because I had already written about delivery part in my one more alpha omega version story so don't want to repeat it again)

Payu was right next to Rain during the delivery time...

He was crying so much seeing his Rain screaming in pain...

Finally Rain gives birth to a beautiful baby boy...

Doctor Ben gives the baby in Payu's hand...

Payu hands were shivering holding his baby for the first time...

He starts to cry so much and immediately kisses Rain's forehead...

Payu : Look at our baby...
He is so cute...

Oh my god am the happiest person in the world right now...

Thank you so much Rain...
Thank you for everything...

Thank you for giving a meaning to my life....

I love you so much....

Rain : I love you too Payu....
Thanks for giving me this cute baby...

After that whole family visits them and all were so happy...

Days passed....

Payu and Rain kept their baby name as

They were literally the happiest family...

Payu was giving so much time to his family...

Specially taking care of Rain and looking after the baby when Rain is tired...

Payu was like a complete 100 as husband and Rain was so blessed and happy for this...



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THE END !!!!

Note : I was planning to write one more chapter but don't know why felt like closing the story when it is already good....
I don't want to drag same things....

But don't worry I will be sharing the most waited Mafia story storyline in some time....

Keep waiting....🤫🤫🤫

I love you all so much....❤️❤️❤️
Thank you all for so much love for this story....

See you all in the next one...😍😍😍

Don't forget to give the same love to my next story...🤗🤗🤗

I will try to make you all happy with my next story as well....

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