Payu takes care of Rain❤️(part 1)

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After going home Payu makes Rain to lay on the bed...

Payu thinks that he should tell this to his grandpa and parents or else if they come know from someone else then they would get angry....

So Payu calls his parents and grandpa and informs them...

They were so worried that they immediately leaves home to come see Rain...

Payu : Rain I will take you to my room....

My parents and Papa are coming to see you....

And please call your parents too so that they won't get worried after they come to know....

Rain then calls his parents and they also leaves immediately leaves to come see him...

Payu carries Rain to his room....

Payu : Please sleep here in my room until they all come and go alright...

Rain : Sure Payu....

As they were waiting for everyone to come....

Rain : Payu...

Payu : Ha Rain....

Rain : You suddenly came and spoke to me in first aid room...
I couldn't react anything.....

Payu : Yes then what you want me to do still sit idle even after I come to know that your injured....

Rain : But people will start to spread so many rumours now....

Payu : Don't worry James will take care...

Rain : Why did you react like that and got angry on guy who hit me...???

Payu : Because I was worried about you...

Rain starts to blush a little when Payu said he was worried....

Saying this Payu takes his mobile and calls James...

James says that everything is alright and people in Uni are thinking that you two are cousins now...

As Payu was speaking to James in phone....

Rain looks Payu and starts to blush alot now....

Rain looks Payu and starts to blush alot now

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Rain thinks....

God he is really so handsome when he is serious

God he is really so handsome when he is serious

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