My cake 🔞

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After the confessing in front of everyone both Payu and Rain were so happy...

Payu : Baby from now you will come with me in my car.

Rain : But today I have come in my car...
Let me go...

Payu : I will send a driver to get your car back home okay...
Now come let's go baby....

They were on the way back home when Rain gets a idea of preparing a cake as he was so happy...

Rain : Payu... Payu...

Payu : Yes sweetie....

Rain : Take me to a super market na...

Payu : Why now baby...???

Rain : Am feeling to prepare a cake so I want to buy some ingredients for it...

After that both goes to super market and buys the necessary ingredients for cake..

Rain was so exited of preparing a cake...

Soon as they reach home....

Rain : I'll go fresh up and come...

Payu : Where are you going..???
Come let's fresh up together....

Rain: If I come with you....
I know you won't leave me to fresh up that easily so you better go to your room and I'll go to my room....

Saying this Rain runs to his room...

After sometime both fresh up and come down....

Rain : Payu you better go sit and wait for me.....

Payu : Let me help you...

Rain : No that's okay...
Sit and wait for me...

Payu wanted to help but Rain chases him out of the kitchen...

So Payu sits on dining table and waits...

It was 20mins still Rain was doing something in kitchen..

Payu was getting impatient and he goes inside the kitchen...

There he saw Rain mixing the frosting for cake...

He goes near to Rain and back hugs him...

Rain : Why did you come here..???

Payu : Why are you taking so long...??
Am starting to miss you sitting alone...

Rain : Here taste this frosting and tell me how it is...

Rain takes some frosting in his finger and puts it inside Payu's mouth...

Payu licks it slowly...

Payu : It's so good...

Now Payu gets some idea....

He takes some frosting in his finger...

Payu : Let me taste it again...

He puts that on Rain lips and licks it....

Rain : Payu...what are you doing...???

Payu : The frosting is more tastier when it's on your lips...

He take some more again and puts it on Rain's neck...

Rain : Payu...!!!
What are you upto....???

Payu doesn't reply anything and gets close to Rain and starts to lick his neck...

Rain was getting goosebumps when Payu was licking his neck...

Payu : Rain the frosting is more tastier when it's decorated on you...

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