Payu taking care (Part - 2) Kiss 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

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After giving Rain shower Payu carries him to bedroom...

Rain again tells Payu to close his eyes and wears his clothes....

After that Payu takes a towel and starts to dry Rain's hair....

Then Payu makes Rain to have food and again carries him back to bedroom.

Payu also massages Rain leg which makes Rain so relaxed and his leg was feeling better...

Rain thinks that Payu was so sweet doing all these for him....

Rain : Payu...!!!

Payu : Yes Rain...

Rain : Are you not going to Uni today...???

Payu : No... how can I leave you in this condition..???

Rain : But you will miss your classes na...

Payu : That's fine but how can I leave you alone at home in this condition...??? No one else is there with you to take care right....???

Rain feels so happy that Payu was ready to stay and take care of him...

If Rain wanted he could've asked his mom to come take care of him but being with Payu made him feel so happy.

Later Payu calls doctor to come check on Rain leg...

Doctor : Rain I have to give your leg some small exercises which may hurt a little but if we don't give exercise your leg won't heal soon so please bare with it...

Doctor starts to give small exercises to Rain leg which starts to hurt Rain so much...

He starts to cry....

Payu quickly sits next to Rain and hugs him...

Payu : Come here...

Rain tightly holds Payu's shirt and starts to cry more and more...

Payu : Does it hurt so much...???

Rain : Yes.... Tell doctor to stop it...

Payu starts to caress Rain hairs...

Payu : Wait a little bit okay... then it will be fine....

After sometime doctor finishes giving exercise...

Doctor : It will be hurting a little please take rest and you will be fine in sometime...

Saying this doctor leaves....

Rain was still crying because of the pain....

Payu feels so sad looking at Rain crying....

He goes and sits next to Rain....

Payu : Rain please don't cry na
Try to sleep as doctor said and the pain will reduce.

But Rain was not listening and crying like a baby....

Payu looks at Rain who was literally looking so cute even while crying...

He gets close to Rain and cups his face...

Payu : Look at my eyes....

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