Chapter - 2

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After arriving at the jeon's Residence Jimin practically jumped from the car leaving his uncle behind to deal with the luggage .Entering the home, Jimin caught his Aunt spacing along the hall while seeing the watch and rambling about her husband's recklessness , because according to her Jimin should arrive till now. Jimin carefully tip-toed towards his aunt and back hugged her .

Mrs Jeon(Jinha) caught off guard but after sniffing the familiar Jasmine's scent she got an idea who the little devil is ."Oh! Chim, you will never change , do you want to give your only aunt a heart attack" , Jinha said with her dramatic expression. "No Aunt! I would never want that because I can't get another lovely Aunt like you unless Uncle marries again , which he can because at this age also he is handsome , Jimin played along with Jinha while giving her a wink. On hearing that Jinha felt betrayal and said - "how can you say like that, I am way more beautiful and pretty than him , you should support me not him". And don't forget I am your favorite .

"Hehe I was just joking Aunt you will always be my lovely and beautiful Aunt , no one gonna replace that". After hearing that Jinha's heart felt content and engulfed Jimin into a hug while patting his back .

Jimin was special to her though he was her husband's sister's child but due to Jimin's omega mother's death after his birth , jimin and his dad lived with them for about 2 years because a child needs omega's scent to calm them ,as Jimin's father was only child and his parents died , he didn't have anyone to help him and he didn't wanted to marry again because he loved his wife Park Mi-Cha dearly .At that time Jungkook was also merely a few months old and he was an alpha , Jinha always wanted an omega child also but due to some complication at Jungkook's birth doctors announced that she can't have more kids . Jinha's heart shattered hearing that but she recovered soon to look after her newly born son .

But after taking Jimin into her arms at hospital after his birth she fell for the adorable baby wrapped in a pale yellow color cloth . Jinha took responsibility to look after him. When Park Eun(jimin's Appa) announced to go back to his home in village after nearly 2 years ,Jinha's heart crushed again but she also knows that Eun can't live with them by leaving his responsibilities at his village give by his parents before their death and she can't separate a child from his own father. At first it was tough for her and Jimin, because she was and is like a mother figure to him , they used to meet at least once in a week in the initial years by traveling long hours . As time and technology developed their meetings decreased, but love for each other only increased.

It was Jinha's and Jungkook & Jimin's grandmother idea to make Jimin study in Seoul along with Jungkook. They wanted Jimin to live with them before he gets mated and to also to secure his future . These two always wanted to get Jungkook and Jimin mated so that Jungkook can get a nice life partner like Jimin , and Jimin can live with them forever. They can't force them because a relationship can't be forced .So after lot of thinking Jinha and her mother-in -law made this arrangement , so that Jungkook and Jimin can spent time with each other and get to know each other .It was their last straw .It was difficult because Eun was not ready to leave his only child for a long period .After pursuing a lot at last he got convinced and let Jimin live with them and study in Seoul.

"Aunt, where is grandma?" ,Jimin asked by looking around. "Ha she is in her room" replied Jinha."Okay! then I will go and meet her" by saying that Jimin went towards his grandma's room. He peeked through the open space and saw his grandma sitting on her bed busy watching her phone . Jimin carefully opened the door wide and by tiptoeing reached her and snatched the phone from her hands . Grandma was about to scold who did that but upon seeing her lovely brats face , her anger disappeared.

"Finally you have come. I was waiting for you from morning , oh!no let me see you" . You have grown beautiful like your mom , Grandma said while looking at Jimin with heart eyes and remembered her omega daughter . Jimin was a replica of his mother Min-cha Inheriting her push lips , chubby cheeks , her eye smile and lastly her button nose and pale complexion. "I missed you so much grandma , though we literally do face timing every day" Jimin teased his grandma" .

According to her rule Jimin should facetime her daily otherwise she would take the whole house upon her head. Just then Jinha entered the room and called them for lunch. At the dining table Jinha filled the entire plate with his favorite food and complained that he should eat more by referring to how skinny he has become. Hearing that Jimin gave them "Are you kidding me expression " . "By seeing these also you're saying I am skinny" said Jimin while pointing to his own cheeks . what it's normal at this age, said Jinha as a matter of fact . Jimin just stuffed his food in his mount being so done with them to argue more.

After taking a nap after his lunch . Jimin wanted to meet his gukkie , his aunt said that he will return in the evening as he went to attend a football match. After freshen up he went towards Jungkook's room which is opposite to his.(hmm! grandma and jinha planned a lot ) He knocked on the door and entered his room , but he meet with empty room, he thought Gukkie is not yet back, so he took his time to look around the room. When Jimin was lost appreciating his gukkie's taste , the bathroom door got opened and there came Jeon Jungkook who just had a bath, small water drops dropping from his hair , wearing a tank top exposing his one full inked arm and small shorts , drying his hair using a towel . Jimin was just drooling at the site and their eyes meet with each other.


See you in the next chapter

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