Chapter - 4

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After Jungkook left from there without waiting for Jimin's reply, Jimin felt hurt , he never expected this type of behavior from his gukkie .Nevertheless he doesn't want to feel down on his special day, so he just passed that and climbed the bus said by Jungkook and at last reached his college.

Jimin was just Awe struck by seeing the infrastructure of his new University, his previous college was good , though it's in a village they didn't compromise on the infrastructure nor on the facilities to be provided , but this university is full on another level.

Jimin was busy appreciating his university, just then he remembered that he had his class at 10AM , and now it's 9:45 . "Oh no I can't be late for my first class " Jimin thought and rushed to find his class room. It's been ten minute's but still he could not find his room.

Jimin got tired by now and was internally bad-mounting Jungkook for leaving him in half way and his lip's without his consciousness turned into a cute pout. He was busy in his own world that he didn't notice an Alpha approaching him until the said Alpha's rich coffee scent reached his nostrils and upon raising his head, he saw an handsome alpha looking towards him , he is quit handsome with perfect jawline, broad shoulders , sun touched skin and mainly his height which can be easily 6 feet, speaking of the fact he have a thing for height.

When their eyes met the said handsome alpha asked "Do you need some help?". " Uhh! Actually I am looking for my classroom and could find it , do you know where the IT class is? " asked Jimin , with hopeful eyes . "oh it's on the 1st floor 2nd left 4th room , are you new here". " Well yes I just joined today thank you so much " , Jimin bowed to him and rushed towards the class according to the directions given by the Alpha .

Jungkook just got into the classroom , took his seat and glanced around the room . His eyebrows frowned upon not seeing the blond omega . Jungkook was sure that Jimin would be here by the time according to his calculations. His thoughts broke when the lecturer entered the class and was about to start. He thought of sending Jimin a message asking him if he had any problem, but Jimin entered the class by patting badly as he just climbed the stairs and ran till there. 

Lecturer didn't say anything to him because she hadn't started yet . But Jimin was embarrassed because the whole class attention was on him , so just bowed to the teacher as an apology and occupied the vacant chair(only single chairs are provided there are no benches in the university) when he opened his notes , the alpha he met earlier excused the lecture to get in .Then Jimin realized that he is his classmate that's why he said the address of the class clearly rather than those two students who he had asked for help before meeting this alpha. When that alpha occupied his side chair , Jimin just gave a small smile as acknowledgement and as a thank you again .The Alpha nodded his head and returned a small smile.

The whole interaction was not missed by Jungkook who just poked his tongue to his inner cheek. Rest of the day went the same , by continuous classes  till lunch. Jimin expected Jungkook to acknowledge him and ask him to join lunch with Jimin. But Jungkook left the room right after the professor . 

Jimin packed his stuff to leave for the canteen ,then a person approached him and introduced him "hello my self Hwan and I am an omega , do wanna be friends with me". Jimin was shocked by his straight forwardness , seeing his blank expression Hwan's face dropped " sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I joined recently I don't have any friends till now, they think that I an too loud , seeing you I felt that we would click" said Hwan nervously playing with his bag strips . 

"No no I am just shocked that's it. I am glad that you approached me, sure I will be friends with you" replied Jimin, smiling brightly happy that he just made a new friend . "Really" asked Hwan to confirm again seeing Jimin nodding his head, his face lit up and grinned like a kid .

 Later Hwan dragged Jimin to have lunch. When they reached ,Jimin saw Jungkook having his food with a group of people. When their eyes met Jungkook was the first one to break it . Jimin understood that Jungkook is ignoring him deliberately , he also thought to not disturb gukkie in the university. After that Jimin had his lunch with his new friend and talked with each other to get to know others well. Jimin was more sure than Hwan and he will definitely click , though Hwan is adorable , a little bit over enthusiastic and loud. But he has experience , his best friend from his home town is way too loud than Hwan.

After the classes were over Jimin went to the same bus stop. On reaching there he found Jungkook already waiting for him. Without any exchange of words they both sat and Jungkook drove the bike. The entire Journey was quiet , Jimin also didn't initiate any conversation because he was hurt by Jungkook's morning behavior.


see you n the next chapter..............................

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