Chapter 13

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It's the unlucky chapter! Chapter 13!  

Nemona: Unlucky for me, or unlucky for Arven and Raven, or even unlucky to you?

Me: It's unlucky to all of us!

Nemona: So what do I do? Sit and watch my life be unlucky with nothing to fight against it?

Me: Exactly! Alright, only kidding. To a degree.

Nemona: I'm still freaked out.

Me: Don't worry, you don't get the brunt of the unluckiness.

Nemona: Phew!

Brassius: Wait, we are going to be unlucky? I must make a painting to commemorate this moment!

Me: Oh no, you're not going to be unlucky. It's only the main characters.

Nemona: What!?

Brassius: The emotions are the perfect stimulus for a painting! I must go at once!

Nemona: No fair!

Me: It's because of the plot. Don't worry, once Chapter 13 happens, everything will go back to normal.

Nemona: *huffs*

Me: You aren't going o blow down my decision. Anyways, let's get the show on the road! 3 2 1, action!


"Hey, look over there." I said, pointing to a crater in the grass. I picked up the object. "Cool, it's a Pokémon egg!"

"Just drop it before some Pokémon comes at you for going near their egg."

We had left Brassius and Artazon to go to Levincia in hopes of Raven's next gym battle, and hopefully somebody knowing where the other Hisuian Zorua went to. We had decided to go on foot to Levincia this time, instead of taking a flying taxi.

"Well, I want to hang around, just to see if a Pokémon comes or not."

"Okay, how long are you going to be at this for?" Raven said, whilst bringing out a doughnut from her bag.

"Until I see a Pokémon approach it, because most Pokémon don't bury their eggs somewhere where somebody else can take them."

"Fine, you make a slight point. Let me transform and scream." Raven looked left, right and behind her, before she transformed into her Pokémon form.

"So what ar..."

"ZORUA ZOR ZORUA ZORUA!" She screamed so deafeningly that I had to plug my fingers in my ear so I didn't get permanent ear damage. She transformed back into a human and shook her head. "No one seems to be after this egg if you ask me." She picked up the egg from the ground and puts her ear to it. "Sounds like it might hatch soon. I'm taking it."

"But I thought you thought..."

"You thought that. It isn't true. Okay fine. I just changed my mind. I'm gonna take this little one on a walk." She cradles mist in her hands and starts to walk ahead of me. "Chop chop! Time's ticking away as you stand there doing nothing."

I ran to catch up with her. "If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?"

"Raven. That's my name."

"But, in the dream I had, you're called Thalia, and all of your Pokémon friends seem to call you something different."

"They call me Wisp, I was called Thalia, now I'm called Raven." She explained. "I changed my name because it felt like me keeping my name would be me accepting my identity, and my past and everything else which I didn't like. Changing my name makes me feel slightly more like a different person than the one I was. Because ultimately, all I really want is to forget my past, or at least move on from it, which some people aren't even allowing me to do. I also just want to fit in somewhere, anywhere at this point. I want to be somewhere where I won't have to run away and constantly hide so no one, well, you know."

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