The start of something more

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Tw:mention of gore

Chuuya pov:

I began packing for the mission we didn't need much but boss wanted me to pack certain things just in case the new guy was supposed to be picking me up though I see no reason since I got my own car he pressed for me to drive with him I didn't feel like putting up a fight so I just let it be mainly since he agreed to buy me some wine

I waited for him outside since he said he was lost which gave me a headache "I swear you better pay me back..." I groaned on the phone "don't worry Nakahara-San I will it's just I'm not originally from Yokohama..." "ugh what ever just hurry we can't be late" it took a bit but we finally was on our way

I sat in the front seat while Kaira drove he seemed more quiet the "aye you seem off?" "Yeah it's just this is my first mission like this especially since this person that we are dealing with can be more dangerous than we think" I let out a sigh "we should be fine even if it does go wrong we still can get back up Akutagawa has a earpiece so we can call for back up" he smiled "I suppose your right"

A few hours later we made it to where we're meant to be

"Finally" I got out the car "I believe it over this way" I followed him but I had a bad feeling  we went to alleyway where the costumer was supposed to be but we heard nothing it was just a weird silence I gave Karia a sign that I was going to go on top a building to see what going on

I activated my ability and made it on top the building but when I when I saw in the ally way I saw a man with his throat slit and his head bashed open " seems the reaper already got to the guy" I jumped down to go find Karia I couldn't risk this turning into anything more

When I got down he was missing I looked around until I felt a sharp pain in my side causing someone to fly back I saw Karia sliding catching his balance "WHAT THE HELL MAN!" Karia chuckled "I'm sorry Nakahara-San but Reaper couldn't have someone like you in his way I tried to contact Akutagawa but it was jammed I tried to activate my ability but it wouldn't work "ohh~ so it does work this is a poison that drains your energy it was also said to make your ability stop working for a few minutes...a few minutes sounds short but it only takes 3 minutes for you to lose consciousness" I fell on the ground my body felt numb before I passed out

Akutagawa pov:

My mind raced the last thing I heard was Chuuya yell at someone then it click Karia "we have a traitor..." boss smiled "it seems like I was fooled the Reaper really seems like more than we think" "Akutagawa bring the black lizard and some men I doubt he is still there but it is best for caution" he sighed "I guess this is why we can't trust anyone...if you see Karia kill him" I nodded though I knew I couldn't since the agreement I made...

Atsushi pov:
I was taken to the agency again because everyone was brought there because Ranpo-San didn't make it to work everyone tried to call him but he never picked up I was worried but I knew he was ok with his smarts he will likely figure something out but at the same time he didn't have a ability so that's my only worry

Everyone was sent to look for him I tried to volunteer but I was denied and forced to say with Dazai at the agency just in case he was just late

"Dazai-San..." "yes Atsushi-kun?" "When can I work again I'm getting better..." he sighed "give it a few still are having bad panic attacks and we don't want to risk putting you in danger though your ability is strong you have to be in the right mindset I looked down "your right..." Dazai patted my head "don't worry your help is needed in the office too I mean you do have decent smarts which I never noticed" he put his hand on his chin "hey what does that mean!" "It means your smart well not as smart as me" he said in a childish manner

"So your calling me dumb" I said sarcastically "ohhhh~ you offend me Atsushi-Kun" I laughed at his dramatic actions I missed it everything just seemed dull and it was nice to have Dazai still treating me the same...

I suddenly had a sharp pain in my head I held my head in pain "you ok Atsushi-kun" Dazai asked "yeah just a headache" I forced out a smile though the headache seemed to get worse along with the voice which started to get louder ever since I started to get better it seemed to get worse it would only become quiet when I listened to it which I didn't want to do

Dazai brung me  some water "you don't have to worry Atsushi-kun we will figure this me I seem like I don't know what I'm doing but I'm smarter than you think..." he gave me a smile

"I know...."

It was nice while it lasted...right?(Shin Soukoku)Where stories live. Discover now