Getting closer to the truth

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Akutagawa pov:

After being forced to help the agency with a random case I sat awkwardly at the desk as everyone waited for Dazai to show up but he didn't arrive "Where is he he's going to be late to the meeting..." Kunikida asked I sighed from frustration "I know where he is so I mind as well get him I was planning to make a stop there anyway..." I said dully "well hurry nobody wants to wait for you two!" Kunikida said in a demanding manner

I sighed as I walked out coughing a bit I went to the store a got some roses before walking to a gravesite I saw Dazai laying against one as I walked in I heard him talking "Today's a nice day isn't it Atsushi-kun there's supposed to be a pretty sunset today maybe we can watch it together...." His eyes closed and his body relaxed he looked so venerable sitting there

I walked quietly up to the grave stone as I sat down in front of it Dazai sighed "what...?" "Kunikida wants you to make it to a meeting..." I said quietly Dazai just sighed before getting up "I'll see you soon Atsushi-kun" he said with a soft smile before walking off silently

I looked down at the carved letters:

Atsushi Nakajima


"Thank you"

I sighed putting down the roses he had such a short life...always so selfless and appreciative of everything "you were just too good for the world" I said looking at my dead lovers grave as I remember his beautiful smile he used to have "I'll be back ok..." I said looking at the tombstone before getting up and walking back

When I got back everyone was waiting in the meeting room I coughed a bit "sorry for being late..." I said sitting down I saw Kunikida at the front he sighed out of frustration "let's just get started..." he said pushing his glasses up

"As you can obviously tell us and the mafia has been on ties to figure out about the reaper we gained a bit more information about them one being his victims as been people that's either those who harm kids kids of people that has adoptive families and the parents themself also including high rank criminals we don't necessarily know why but he only goes for those people but fortunately his murder spree has slowed down" he said showing different people and info about them

"A weirder thing is that they don't seem to target any organizations especially anyone from the agency and mafia the only one they seem to target a unknown organization that seems to be starting up problems in Yokohama and from what we know their leader is strong...and this can lead to major issues to the agency in a whole and the mafia's reputation so we should take this seriously we have located the reaper and his assistant she has the ability but we do not know what it does...she is very loyal to the reaper and is talented with knifes this is the only info we have to go off of...due to how dangerous this reaper is we will need Dazai Yasano and Kyouka for this mission all you need to do is capture Akkio Suromi..." he said calmly "And alive..." he said staring sharply at me" I rolled my eyes "I have no intention to kill anymore unless really needed...I'm sure you all or at least Dazai should know why..." everything became quiet before I saw Kyouka get up "let's get this over with..."

Our group came to a abandoned building where we were met by armed fighters most was good with guns or knives a few welded a katana we injured as much as possible making sure they was unable to fight back their a few ability users but with Dazai's ability they stood no chance that but we noticed most of them injected themselves with something making them die on the spot

We thought that was all until we saw a girl she looked around 18 just like the girl we need to capture she looked shocked before she yelled " GENIE OF LIFE" and just like that we was surrounded she through a smoke bomb at us then ran I coughed as I saw her run off I summoned Rashōmon to get past the people and chase her after a while the people was knocked out and the Akkio girl was nowhere to be found

She went around looking for her until I saw her again her green eyes full of worry "GET AWAY FROM ME!" She took out her knife facing it at us "relax we aren't trying to kill you we just need you to tell us info about the Reaper..." I said staring at her

"Never!" She yelled he voice sharp as a knife Yasano spoke up "your ability is very strong you don't have to work with him...besides he is likely to kill you when your out of his use..." Akkio looked confused your not working with that black hooded group" "No..." I said I saw her eyes widen "watch out!" She ran towards Kyouka pushing her away before I saw a man stab her with a katana he wear a black hoodie with a mini red circle on the right of the hoodie's shoulder

He pulled the katana out of her blood spilling out of her stomach as she fell on the floor choking on her blood Kyouka used Demon snow grabbing Dazai while i wrapped Yasano with Rashōmon and we jumped out a near by window we rushed out of sight I stopped out of breath cursing under my breath "What to do now..." I asked putting Yasano down gently "well our only choice is trying to find the reaper ourselves..."Dazai said in a calm voice "it seems this group might be more of a problem than we thought...." Yasano said putting her hand on her head

After then we reported our failed mission back to the agency and i was sent away I looke at the time to see it was still early in the afternoon which at the same time we started near the early morning I walked to Atsushi's grave to see a paper sitting there it seemed to be a gift at first but my name written in big bold letters

I looked around to see if there was anybody around but there was nobody I pick it up reading it:

Hello Akutagawa meet me on top of the building near the restaurant on #### street to talk about the Reaper please come alone-???

I looked confused as I folded up the note "who would send me this....?"

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