The Attack

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Tw:descriptive violence ,needle

Akutagawa pov:

It's been a few weeks since I've seen Jinko I usually would visit and call but Atsushi made a smart claim that Ranpo-San might find out so we put a halt on it both of Jinko's mother and father was found dismembered while the new rival of Yokohama grew more especially their leader which was the one that killed Akkio  turns out he has a stealth ability which is why we didn't hear him

We never got the man's real name but "Chicio" was the actual name that seemed valid he was a American high class. assassin that ended up coming to  Yokohama for a unknown reason his ability "quiet as a mouse" allows him to mute his movements despite his non-combative ability his knife and katana skills makes up for it...

Tch how annoying..

I stared off while everyone waited for Dazai to come for a meeting I was sent to help with  mission that followed up after it...

It was chaotic as always Kenji tried to sneak a cow in the agency as normal while Kyouka chills with Yosano talking about knifes Kunikida working hard as normal Ranpo eats sweets and begs for more from his boss while the Tanizaki siblings...just be themselves....

After a bit Dazai walked in quietly sitting at his desk "good your finally here..." Kunikida began "we were told one of the bases of the reaper which has been getting more out of was told by one of his past people that worked for him although this is not the main base it is best to exterminate this one just in case...." He sighed pushing up his glasses as I watched Ranpo carelessly munch on his snacks

Although I didn't seem it I was worried I know Jinko is trying to avoid the Ada but it looks like that plan is not going to work well...

"I'll wait outside with boss just in case it goes wrong something tells me it would be needed" Ranpo said randomly "After all...this is a Likley a trap..."

"Well in that case we need to proceed with caution and attack if needed..." Kunikida said "due to potential danger it best to stay together especially since we don't know The Reapers ability..."And with that everyone stood up except Ranpo which was still focused on eating a whole pack of chocolate

While the others drove I traveled with Rashomon getting farther ahead when I got there I was met by a large grass field then a building surrounded by fence the building gave off a eerie feeling...

After a while they eventually caught up to me they all began walking up to the building seeing the fence black blocked the way I used Rashomon tearing it down after we walked together the tall building quiet and eerie there were a few crates but no guards which was suspicious although it may not seem like it Jinko has all his bases well guarded with snipers to men armed with poison bullets I could tell this wasn't his base...

"It doesn't seem like anybody or anything is here..."Tanazaki said looking around we searched in crates nothing much was in there but alcohol or unloaded guns while walking I began to feel a familiar presence I couldn't put my finger on what or who it was all I know is they left a eerie feeling

We walked up some stairs Dazai-San check behind us before walking along it was clear that he was suspicious we walked down a long hallway I heard a gunshot I saw Dazai shoot past a person with a black hoodie holding a gun they ran into a room we all chased after them I used Rashomon to chase him eventually catching him

After everyone came in I stared at the man I held in Rashomon as he dangled i saw him smile his smile mischievous "Caught you"he said before the door violently shut behind us I looked back in shock "WHAT DID YOU-" I said before looking back to see the man gone I heard Dazai curse under his breath Kunikida tried to open it but it was sealed by a ability

I heard manic laughter as many men started to surround us we all began to panic "Clones..." I heard Dazai mutter we tried to attack them but when we did they will disappear and multiply Dazai tried to touch them but he had to touch the user "with the help of the ability Copycat it allows my partner to clone me with will with these clones is under his control the more you attack the more clones appear" they spoke all at once then in the corner of my eye I saw someone lunging towards Kyouka she blocked just in time but more started to try and attack us she while people started to sneak and attack her

I sent Rashomon sending some of them off balance "Crap we're greatly outnumbered..." I hear Yosano say at this point we were cornered Kenji was the main one sending most of them away since he was attack from pure strength that was until there was a loud crash dust erupting from the ceiling as pieces of concrete fell

A bunch of clones disappeared as I looked to see none other than The Reaper or as I know him Atsushi he got up his aura eerie and murderous he attack a bunch of them at once until he got to the real one Atsushi sent a slash across the man causing the man to fall I watched as the agency's eyes widen

"Relax..." His voice deep and harsh "I'm here to help you guys I have no intention in hurting you guys" I felt his eyes pierce us through the black mask he wear

I looked at him as he picked the man up from his neck "What did you do..." he said choking the man "M-my ack boss sent me and my men here to slaughter the agency-" he coughed weakly coughing up blood as he slowly bled out "he said something about you being to strong and them being your weakness" he laughed weakly "pathetic" he said pulling out a knife attempting to stab Atsushi

I was ready to attack but I saw Atsushi drop him and step on his finger as he wiggles his foot the man screams in pain has I heard his bones crack his fingers turning red "Deactivate your ability and I'll let you live" his voice demanding as he stuck his hand in his pockets "ok!ok!" He begged after a bit I saw the door open next to us

"Good"He said pulling out a needle sticking it in his arm "you won't remember a thing..." he said injecting a purplish liquid in his arm then taking it out shoving it back in his pocket

"Let's go his men would be here soon..." he said walking away from the man has he tried to get up obviously fatigued I was the first to follow as the rest hesitated "What did you do to that man...?" Kyouka asked I could tell she didn't trust him much "don't worry he should be ok I only made him forget today his men should be getting him to heal him soon as for right now we need to-"

Before he could finish men appeared behind us "FREEZE DETECTIVE AGENCY " They yelled catching their attention I saw Atsushi walk slowly toward them "if you were smart I would rethink your predicament" he said his voice sharp as a knife the men lowered the guns in fear and ran off

"Let's go..." we followed him out the front door but just we did the agency surrounded him even the president as Ranpo walked slowly up to him

"So it seems I've won..."

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