Jacob [ hidden trauma ]

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[ Author's POV ]

"Hi Y/n!" Jacob said as he approached her. "Hey" Y/n said quietly as she glanced at him. He sat at the empty space beside her in order to talk to her more comfortably. "I'm sorry for interrupting your study, but I have to tell you something" Jacob started saying waiting for her to allow him to continue. "What is it?" She asked as she closed her bright yellow marker. "Well, I know it may sound a bit sudden but would you go out on a date with me? I've been liking you for sometime now" Jacob said with a small smile. Meanwhile, Y/n was a bit unsure if he was being serious or not. "You don't even know me" She replied as she was about to continue minding her business. Jacob wasn't expecting that answer and was a bit broken by her words already. "We will get to know each other that way! Wouldn't you at least like to have a friend to hang out?" He said trying to sound friendly and not disappointed.

"I'm not looking for a boyfriend or friends" She said. "What are you studying?" He then asked in order to change the topic and create a conversation. "Chemistry" She replied coldly. "I see" He replied as he didn't know what else to say. "Won't you give me just one chance?" He continued. "I'm really sorry Jacob, I have other priorities" Y/n said as she left. Jacob felt really bad for both himself and for wasting her time. He tried to forget her for the rest of the school year but he couldn't. He only managed to grow his feelings more for her.

- a year later both of them managed to attend the same college, but different degrees. That made it even worse for Jacob since he was just trying to get over his crush on her, but seeing her daily didn't help. Within the first month there were multiple parties that were held by their seniors of the college for the juniors, and he didn't miss a single one. He was trying to socialize so these parties were perfect. At the last one though, he noticed that Y/n was there too. She wasn't really vibing with the music so he decided to approach her. "Hey Y/n!" He said. "Hi" She replied while she was just softly spinning her drink. "You still aren't looking for friends right?" He asked. "This time I do, but it's not easy I guess" She said. "Why don't we dance then? I can be your company for tonight" He said. "I'm not sure" She said. "Just let yourself relax, you don't have anything to be afraid of. You are so pretty and besides you have me!" He said, and she gave him a small smile, and in the end she agreed.

She managed to match the energy of the place perfectly. At the same time, it was his first time seeing her smile and having fun, fact that made him fall for her even more. He didn't really knew anything about her personality, he just felt attracted to her. Slowly the two of them got closer as time flew. And soon enough she had feelings for him too and they ended up being in a relationship. A year later, they were hanging out at her place when Jacob was left alone in her room for a while, since she had to go and take the food they had ordered from the door. He had noticed a blue textbook she had on her desk and just read what it was written on the first page out of curiosity. Soon enough he realized that this was her diary, and he found it a bit odd since the date was kinda old. "2020?" He questioned himself. He started reading the first page while he knew he shouldn't but Y/n called him from the other room to go to the kitchen to eat. He found an excuse that he had to make a call and earned some time.

He was at the middle of the page when he read some things that felt really bad. He decided to take some pictures of the first pages and read it later and for the time being he would go and join Y/n. "Why don't you stay here tonight? It's been a while since we've done a "sleepover" don't you think?"   Y/n suggested. "You're right" He just replied. That night Y/n was the first one to fall asleep on the couch while they were watching a movie. Jacob closed the TV when he noticed that she was asleep and took out his phone in order to read her diary. After he read the first few pages that he had take photos of, he was really curious about the rest of it. He got up carefully and went to her bedroom and read the rest. He was already crying from what she was going through all these years and he got to understand her behavior better. She was the quiet and cold girl of the class during high school. She had low self-esteem and went through a lot while living with her parents.

They didn't behave to her well, as they were constantly yelling at her for whatever she did, calling her lazy and useless. That had the result of her confidence level decreasing from a very young age and not daring to open up to anyone about herself and her problems. She just focused on studying so that she could live by herself after high school, which she succeeded. She would cry non stop and stay locked inside her room starving since she thought that she deserved it as a punishment for her bad behavior according to her parents. Jacob noticed that the last time she wrote in the diary was one week ago from that day. He read the last two pages. His eyes we're getting more and more teary from what he read. After a while he closed the notebook and placed it back where it was before as he was picturing everything he had just read. He heard the door being opened and turned around to see a sleepy Y/n.

"What are you doing so late? Where you crying?" She said. Before he could reply, she saw her diary on the desk and froze. "Y/n, I'm really sorry" He started saying. She felt really awful that all her secrets were finally revealed and she quickly close the door as she was about to go hide on a corner of the house and cry due to how embarrassed she felt. Jacob got up and he found her sitting on the couch while hugging her knees close to her chest, crying as hard as she could. "Y/n, you should have told me" He said calmly as he caressed her back to make her calm down a bit. "If you want to talk about it I'll be here alright? And I'm sorry for reading your diary, I know I shouldn't have done it and I will understand if you're mad at me for it" He continued. "I don't think you would want to talk about this" She said still not facing him.

"What made you think that? You're the person I love, and I would do everything for you to be happy! I waited two years to be able to be right here beside you. I just want you to know that I'll always be here to comfort you and help you get through all your worries". "Nobody has ever talked to me like that" Y/n said as she wiped her tears. "It's just really hard to accept that I'm getting loved by someone, while I never was in the past, by my own parents. When you confessed to me back in high school I thought you were pranking me or whatever like everyone had done to me in the past, that's why I didn't accept you" She said. "If I never started hanging out with you a few months ago I don't even know if I would be still alive right now. I just felt pressured all the time and that my whole existence was a mistake. What had I done to deserve all this?" She said as she was about to cry again but he hugged her tightly, not letting her go away.

"You deserve the whole world Y/n. You really do. I'll help you gain confidence and appreciate yourself, but I want you to tell me if you ever feel bad about yourself or something that bothers you. We're a couple, we should be taking care of each other and discuss everything that's bothering us, don't you think?" Jacob said and she just nodded. "What about you then?" She asked as she backed away to face him. "I have to admit that I didn't had any serious emotional problems while growing up. But I really felt heartbroken by the way you rejected me back in high school" He said. "I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have talked like that to you" Y/n said as she hugged him again. "Wait wait, I was just joking, it wasn't that serious!" He said as he started laughing at how she was already crying again. "Hey... No need to cry" He said. "How can you laugh right now?" She asked clearly a bit mad at him. "You're so cute Y/n" He said as he kissed her cheek.

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