Sunwoo [ card game ]

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[ Author's POV ]

"Y'all shut up! Let's just play the game and have fun for once. It's our last school trip" Luke said. "Don't talk that loud, what if we get caught by our teachers?" Natalie said. The 8 of them gathered at the girl's hotel room to have some fun as a friend group of 4 girls and 4 boys. Students of the last grade of high school, some of them were already eighteen while some were still seventeen. Luke, the oldest of the group had bought a card game from Amazon, that was trending on social media at that time. It was called "Pxssy Out". Well, none of them was considered to have an innocent mind. No teenager is innocent. Puberty hit them hard, so it's natural to have various thoughts and wild imagination. "Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" They all said. "Okay, Jia you're first, and the order will go clockwise" Luke said. Jia took a deep breath as she took a card and flipped it as she read with her mind what it said.

"This isn't gonna end up well" Jia said as she drank two shots, as the card had as a second choice instead of doing the dare. Next one was Haknyeon. He picked a card, and within the three first seconds he placed it back down silently as he took a shot of alcohol. "Hey hey, this ain't that fun... Why don't we try to do the dares and have fun? I mean we're gonna remember these silly moments. If we get drunk we won't remember anything" Luke said. "Okay, let's see then" Felix said as he took a card. "Name the player who is the most likely to cheat on their partner. That's easy, Luke" Felix said as everyone laughed with Luke's reaction. After the first round nothing much happened, leaving most of them annoyed. "Wait, that was the first level out of the four levels. Why don't we spice things up and go straight to the last level?" Luke said and everyone just agreed, since they wanted to have fun, without knowing what was coming next for them.

They changed the order and Marina was first. "All Scorpios take a shot, it's your time to stop being jealous" She read out loud. "None of us is a Scorpio, anyways" She sighed disappointed. "Tell the whole group your body count" Y/n said as she paused. "As if we don't know already, you're the only one here that is untouched by a human being" Marina said as Y/n laughed it off feeling awkward. The next two people were cowards and just drank their shots. "Tell everyone your length" Sunwoo read. He acted unbothered as he placed his card down and drank the three shots, feeling his throat burning due to the alcohol. "Look at that coward dude" Luke said, clearly drank. "Let him be" Sunwoo said as the game moved on getting even deeper to each other's secrets.

Y/n was the only one who hadn't drink a single shot, since she didn't had anything to hide so far. Soon enough it was her turn again. "Let every player either kiss you or slap you" She read as she looked at her friends. "Okay. Just don't slap me that hard because I don't want my face to be red in the morning" She said as she took a deep breath. The three girls slapped her softly until it was the boys turn. Felix and Haknyeon softly slapped her as well. Luke couldn't really understand what was going on and he just passed out from drinking too much. "Sunwoo it's your turn" Haknyeon said. Y/n's heart started beating faster realizing that he was the only one left. "Come on, slap me as long as you are still standing" Y/n said as he stood in front of her. "A man should never hit a woman right?" He said as he placed a soft kiss on her lips.

Everyone started silently cheering for them. "Dude why did you do that?" Haknyeon whispered at Sunwoo. "What?", "That was her first kiss you idiot" Haknyeon continued. "I know" Sunwoo replied looking serious. Y/n was blushing but tried to act normal anyway for the sake of their friendship as a group. The game continued, but soon enough each one of them began to pass out from the shots. The only ones awake were Y/n, Sunwoo and Haknyeon. "I'mma take Luke and Felix to our room" Haknyeon said as an excuse to let the two of them "alone". "I'm afraid that they won't be able to wake up in a few hours" Y/n said as she made sure that each of the girls were covered by a blanket as they were heavily sleeping. "Y/n about earlier..." Sunwoo started saying. "What?", "I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable" Sunwoo apologized. "It's alright. It was just a kiss, nothing serious" Y/n said trying to act normal. Her heart started beating faster again though.

"Nothing serious? That's why you were a blushing mess after it? Woah..." He said as he slowly pinned her to the wall beside the bathroom door. "What are you doing? What if one of them wakes up?" Y/n said worried. Without saying anything he grabbed her with him inside the bathroom as he locked the door. "What are you-", "I stayed silent and waited long enough Y/n. I like you, I really like you. I want your attention so bad, but you just mess around with everyone else except me" Sunwoo confessed silently as he placed his hands on her thin waist. Feeling his cold hands on her warm skin made her slightly flinch, as she got chills running through her whole body. "I kept a distance because I was afraid that my feelings for you were one-sided" She replied. "Well now that you know they aren't, why don't we try and spend some of that time together?" Sunwoo said.

"Aren't you rushing the things a bit?", " Am I? I don't know. The only thing I know is that I want everyone from our school to know that you're mine, so they can stop checking you out every time you pass by them". "Sunwoo..." She started saying but paused. "You don't have to talk sweetheart" He said as he leaned in and kissed her passionately. The alcohol was really doing its job well since he didn't care about anyone hearing them or what if they got caught. Y/n didn't hold back and kissed him back, only to pull away a few seconds later to catch her breath. "You're being too loud, can't you not move around that much?" Y/n said. "Let me make it easier for you then" He said as he placed her on top of the marbled counter, as he continued kissing her. "I don't think that's a good idea, you're drunk Sunwoo" Y/n said as she pulled away once again. "Checkmate Y/n. Do you feel bad that I'm an adult and you're still seventeen? Isn't your birthday in a few days?" He said.

"That's not what I meant Sunwoo. It's just that everything's new to me" Y/n said. "You think that all this isn't new to me as well? We're on the same page Y/n, it's just that the others don't know about it" Sunwoo said. "Think about what just happened and we'll reconsider everything tomorrow" Y/n said trying to avoid any actions that they might regret later. "Please don't change your words tomorrow Y/n" Sunwoo said as he hugged her out of the blue. "I have been liking you for so long and I really want to have you for myself, as selfish as it may sound. So please, don't avoid me again tomorrow" He said as the alcohol kicked in. "Sunwoo, I think it's better if you go to your room. Should I call Haknyeon?" She said. "I can go by myself, I'll be fine" He said as he was about to unlock the bathroom door. He quickly kissed her cheek as he left, leaving her with reddish cheeks and butterflies in her stomach.

Y/n couldn't really process what had just happened. She just went to her bed and slept. The next morning they all woke up and went to get their breakfast at the hotel's dining room. That was when her eyes met his. No one knew what had happened between them two just a few hours earlier. Sunwoo remembered everything vividly, regardless how drunk he was. They didn't really talked at that time they just avoided each other. Later at the bus, Y/n had taken the window seat as she was waiting for Marina to seat beside her, just to see Sunwoo taking the seat beside her. It took them a while to start talking during the ride. "Y/n, about yesterday..." Sunwoo started saying. "Yeah, I actually wanted to talk to you about that too" She said. "I meant everything I said to you. And I am not regretting confessing or even kissing you" He said. Y/n was trying to process what was happening, and if everything was actually happening or she was just being delusional again.

"I will understand if you just don't want to try out-", "Why don't we just take our time? I don't really feel like rushing everything will have a good result" Y/n said. "Of course! I mean, I am sorry for yesterday, I was pretty drunk and acted without thinking first" He said as he felt a wave of embarrassment get over him. "Don't worry, I understand. Let's just enjoy our time here" She said as she ruffled his hair messing it up. He did the same with hers as they started to mess around.

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