Changmin/Q [ Andromeda ]

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[ Author's POV ]

"So until our next lesson, I would like for you to study Einstein's equations and write a paragraph of what you noticed and the result you had from them. No more questions" The physics professor said as he left the classroom. All of the students were whining about the hard assignment they got till the next day when the next physics class was. Meanwhile Changmin took Y/n with him as they went to the school's library to search for information based on their assignment. Two hours later they got all the info they wanted and went straight to the lab where no one was and continued their study there. After a few hours they had a result. "Space wormholes" Y/n mumbled. "You found it?!" Changmin said as he looked at her notebook. "That's impressive!" He said. "My head hurts already", "It's fine, we just have to write a paragraph now, actually you, I still have to figure this out myself" He said as he tried to laugh it off but still was worried how he would end up at the wormhole theory.

"Actually, I am really curious about that theory. If space wormholes are real, that means that traveling in spacetime is possible. So if you get inside the one side, you come out at the other in the parallel universe of the one you were before. That's crazy" Y/n said, "Exactly, that's why we should stop the research here and not get involved more and burn our brain cells" Changmin said. "I am really curious though, I want to dig a bit on past theories and learn more" Y/n said. Changmin just sighed at her excitement and continued the already unfinished for him problem. Y/n was searching on Google and took notes of everything useful she found. At some point she rested her head on the desk trying to end up on a result but nothing, instead she just fell asleep without realizing. Changmin noticed her and just left her rest while he took her notebook to look through the equations again.

- Y/n woke up after a few hours, realizing it was 8pm. She looked outside the lab windows and noticed the colours the sky had as the sun was slowly diving behind the far away hills. "What the-" She said but snapped out of that thought and looked immediately at the desk trying to find her notebook. She found it and checked the last page she had written on in a rush. "I proved it? That makes sense" She said to herself. She was too busy to notice that Changmin wasn't in the lab anymore. "Y/n! What are you doing here? We have physics class in a while come on" He said as he entered the lab. "What? It's late in the afternoon we don't have any classes" Y/n said. "Y/n are you okay? It's 8:15pm, we have physics hello?" Changmin said. She looked back outside the windows, at the colorful sky. "Why is the sky orange and green?" She asked. "Y/n cut your silly pranks, let's go" He said as he grabbed her outside the lab and went to their classroom.

The lesson was the exact same with the one that they had a few hours ago. Y/n was confused, but still too focused on the theories she had been studying the past hours to notice the changes. At the end of the lesson she approached the professor as she wanted to show him what she had done. "Well, you really did the assignment already. Also the theory if the parallel universes, how did you even... I mean it makes sense somehow, it's really weird though. If that's true then you should go and work for NASA, that could really be a very important theory you just made" He said. "I want to redo it actually" She said. "Go for it" The professor said as he was speechless with her work.

Y/n went back to the lab and found Changmin there. "How long have you been here?" Y/n asked, "Not that long" He replied. She started at him for a while noticing that something was different on him. "Changmin", "What's the matter?" He said without raising his head to face her. "Since when do you dye your hair brown?" She asked. "Y/n that starts to feel creepy, I've been dying my hair brown since last year, remember?" He said annoyed. She was dumbfounded, something felt really off  at the atmosphere. She looked around her and noticed at the other side of the lab some microscopes with small bottles of blood samples. She rushed to them and took a small drop of one of the small tube that had a sign that the blood type was A negative. She had the same blood type. She checked the sample under the microscope and the cells behavior was different from what she knew and had studied about on biology.

She grabbed a small knife she found on the desk and cut a small wound on her finger, so that a few drops of blood would come out. "Y/n, are you a psycho or something? What are you doing?!" Changmin raised his voice at her as he went over to where she was. Y/n was fast enough and checked her own blood's sample and it was normal as she knew. "What the hell" She said as she backed away from the microscope. "Let me see" Changmin said as he checked the sample. "That's so weird" He said. Y/n checked the time and it was almost 10pm. "Come on, enough for today, the school closes soon. We have to leave" Y/n said confused. "What? We end school at 2am    Y/n! Are you on drugs? Why are you behaving so strange lately?" Changmin said seriously. "Something feels off" She mumbled. "What? Hey, where are you going?" Changmin said as he saw her leaving the lab. He followed her and found out she was going to the rooftop of the building.

"What the hell" She mumbled, "What now?" Changmin said. "Why is the sky like that?" She asked as tears started forming in her eyes. "What are you talking about? You've seen it before. Cut all this creepy behavior, I hate it" Changmin said. Y/n started shaking at the view. "Why? Why are there all these stars visible? There are no lights outside. Where's the light pollution? Why are there five moons? Why are there so many galaxies visible?" She said. "Y/n what are you talking about? You've been seeing all these since you were born!" Changmin said trying to understand what was wrong with her. "Is that the Milky Way?" She said as she pointed at a faded galaxy on the night sky. "Yes, why?", "Changmin, in which Galaxy are we right now?" Y/n asked. Changmin looked at her in disbelief as he sighed before answering. "Andromeda. We're in Andromeda Galaxy" He said. "And we're on Earth?", "Yes". "No way, that can't be true" She said, as she felt like she was about to go crazy.

"Y/n, what's wrong with you?" Changmin asked worried. "Am I a lunatic? Where the hell even am I?" She mumbled. "Y/n you are worrying me, what's wrong?" He said as he went closer to her and held her hands, trying to calm her down. "You will think I am crazy, but I'm a hundred percent sure that my theory on parallel universes is true, and time travel is possible. There is an Earth in Milky Way already, so that means-", "Y/n there's no way I'm gonna believe this that easily" He replied. "You must have studied a lot on quantum and space physics, take a break" He continued. Y/n started feeling dizzy and suddenly everything went black. -

"Y/n, wake up", she heard someone saying. She soon realized that it was Changmin. "We have to leave it's getting late" He said calmly since she had just woken up. "I had the craziest dream ever" She said. "After all that studying you sure did" Changmin said teasing her. She glanced at her notebook for a second as she slowly connected the dots based on the dream she had. She started writing down something and he noticed. He leaned in from the other side of the desk to try and see what it was. "Done" Y/n said as she was about to close the notebook. "Wait, when did you even though of that?", "I told you I had a crazy dream" She said jokingly. "I have to continue this, who knows I may be discovering something huge" She said excited as she left. Changmin was left alone staring at the door she had just exited. "If she's always that concentrated to science, how am I supposed to ever confess my feelings for her" He said as he placed his head on top of his hands on the desk and sighed.

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