Chanhee/New [ true lies ]

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[ Author's POV ]

Standing in the rain, head facing the ground as tears made their way from her eyes down to her chin. Surrounded by many classmates of hers from the university she was a student at. "Why don't you teach physics with only your underwear? It would have more appeal to the students" "Slut" "How dare she live normally with such a background", and other comments were heard by the students. She couldn't take it anymore and decided to respond. "What do you all know about my past? If criticizing is your only entertainment, better learn to criticize your own lives first".
She got out of the crowd and started running towards were her apartment was. She was wet from head to toes because of the heavy rain. The tears didn't stop. She slowly took off her wet clothes and changed into dry ones and then dried her hair.

She sat on her desk and took her phone at her hands. The screen didn't turn off for over two seconds because of all the notifications. She powered it off to avoid all these notifications since it was bothering her. She placed her head on top of her hands on the desk as she cried even more. A silly mistake when she was a teenager, a mistake that wasn't even hers to blame. She wanted to distract herself from all the negative attention she was getting, so she studied what she loved the most. Physics, the major she had at university. She wanted to understand better how the world was working this way, she was curious about everything, making her choose that subject. She studied for hours without a break.

The rain didn't stop. The weather was "crying" with her. Her friends couldn't care less. She didn't dare to touch her phone. Even hours later nobody knocked her apartment's door to see if she was alive. She had suicidal thoughts from time to time, but she was a coward to actually do it. The attention will be even more then. She didn't want any kind of attention, she hated it. She wanted to live a peaceful life. She was desperate, she was confused. Her thoughts were a mess as she started to rip the papers of the solved physics problems and theories. Breathing started to feel hard for her and she heard a buzz noise making her hold her head in pain. That was when she blacked out on the desk, on top of the physics books.

Hours passed and she was still there unconscious. Heavy rain still pouring nonstop outside.
- "why isn't she opening the door" Chanhee said worried after knocking for the second time. That was when he just used the password in order to get inside her apartment. All kinds of thoughts passed through his mind after what had happened at the university. He rushed to her bedroom and found her unconscious on her desk. "Y/n...  Y/n!", nothing. She didn't wake up. He grabbed her wrist and hopefully her heart was still beating. He sighed in relief, afraid that she could've done something stupid. Slowly he moved her body on the bed, as he covered her with a blanket. He stared at her exhausted figure, feeling guilty for not being able to protect his bestest friend.

He sat on the chair as he glanced on the desk. He noticed the books. He moved closer to check what it was about, he wasn't surprised. "Physics" He mumbled as he scoffed. "That girl studies the wrong moments" He said as he started studying the problems she had solved.

- their relationship some of the readers would ask... Let's say they were friends. They really were, since little kids. Their families were really close and they knew each other very well. Y/n really appreciated Chanhee for always being by her side until that day, but Chanhee couldn't stand seeing her this way, he felt guilt grow inside him. Since the day Y/n got involved with that "bastard" as Chanhee used to describe him, she lost her mind. She almost wanted to change major at university, while she was one of the best on her major. That guy wanted the worst for her, but she was so blinded by love that she couldn't see, Chanhee tried to tell her and separate her from him but she took it the wrong way and became distant from Chanhee. That dude ended up filming inappropriate content of her and posting it online, as well as sharing it with every guy on the university, and as a result creating the whole mess.

- "If only you knew you're the reason I am still here..." Chanhee said as he turned to look towards her now asleep figure laying on the bed.

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