Haknyeon [ cold embrace ]

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[ Author's POV ]

That was the day. The day when everything felt like it was pointless. She could feel it coming, while he had no idea. The past few months they couldn't spend as much time as they used to due to their career paths. So many years of relationship felt like nothing. Haknyeon had take the day off work just to rest and be able to spend some time with his love, Y/n. By the moment she entered their shared apartment from work, he rushed to the door to hug her. "How was work? Are you tired?" Haknyeon said as he wrapped his arms around her figure. Y/n hesitated but ended up hugging him back quick. He noticed her cold behavior already, but tried to deny the thought of her being cold and negative thoughts in his head. "I am really tired to be honest, but I would appreciate if we could have a talk" Y/n said in a pretty serious tone. His heart skipped a few beats, as he could feel that anxiety had taken over his excitement just in a second.

"Yeah sure, we can talk in the kitchen" He said as his smile faded. That tone was really unfamiliar to him. Endless thoughts running through his mind, scared about what her next words would be. In just a minute she met him in the kitchen. She sat at her regular seat, across him. "So what did you wanted to talk to me about?" Haknyeon broke the silence first. "I've been thinking a lot about this, and I think our relationship has reached its limit. I don't think this is leading to somewhere if you get what I'm trying to say. You know that the part few months we just ignored each other and fought from time to time over even the smallest things. I thought that we could have a future, but this routine is driving me crazy" Y/n said. Haknyeon's heart broken into pieces. He never thought that they would reach that phase. He finally had some time to prove her that he still loved her more than everyone else that day, but the timing was wrong.

He didn't want to make it more awkward and just talked as soon as he got the chance. "Let's break up then I guess" He said, not believing that he was the one to mouth those words. He wanted to slap himself for not trying to save the situation but make it worse. Making look like he didn't love her anymore. "So you agree that we should do so..." Y/n said disappointed. "I don't actually" Haknyeon said. "So why do you let everything fall apart so easy like that?" Y/n said in disbelief. "What do you want me to do? Isn't this what you wanted? If breaking up makes you happier, then I shouldn't be an obstacle to your happiness" Haknyeon explained calmly. Y/n felt confused, she thought that he didn't love her, but it looked like she was the one who didn't love him actually. "What's wrong?" Haknyeon asked as she had posed for a while, eyes feeling teary.

"Actually I don't know" She mumbled. "You have mixed feelings? That's what you're trying to say?" He asked and she just nodded avoiding any kind of eye contact with him. That was the first time that she felt so awkward around him, fact that felt wrong for some reason. "I know I shouldn't be asking this, but is there someone else that you have feelings for?" Haknyeon said as politely as he could, careful not to offend her. "No. Six years now I had eyes only for you Hak. Actually I thought that the past few months you were falling out of love with me. I started acting selfishly because of that thought. I only make things worse" Y/n said as she rested her head on her hands, on top of the kitchen table. "Y/n, I loved you for the past six years, and I still do, and will as well. You're just confused, I understand. It's due to all the pressure we are getting from our work environments. It may feel hard or impossible in your head, but why don't we give this one more chance, hm?" He said.

"I'm a bit afraid. What if we just get hurt? What if-" Y/n started saying still not raising her head from the table, but she stopped talking as soon as she felt his hand caressing her hair. Tears fell from her eyes, knowing that all this was pointless, one way or another. "I'll make you fall in love with me again Y/n. You're my only love and I would do everything for you" Haknyeon said. Y/n lifted up her head to reveal her red face, that was wet from her tears. Her eyes and lips looking puffy. "Can I hug you?" She whispered. "Of course" Haknyeon replied as she stood up and rushed into his arms. "Don't worry. I won't let you leave that easily ever" Haknyeon told her as he tightened the grip around her figure.

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