Hyunjae [ wrong timing ]

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[ Author's POV ]

There she was, stressing over her exam that was just a few hours away from that moment. Sitting on a bench at the local park, which also was near her school. It was past midnight, and she went there to just relax a bit from studying and her parent's words which just worsen the pain in her chest. Her left leg shaking from the sudden energy, as she was dressed fully in black colored clothing, head down and on top of it there was her hoodie's hood, covering her head. The cold breeze made her shiver, as the thoughts of failing the exam, wouldn't get out of her head. She was bad at that lesson, History. She wasn't good on memorizing events and details. She could only remember names and dates, fact that didn't help her situation. Every single exam grade was important in order to be able to attend the law university, that she dreamed of since a little kid.

There were barely humans outside at that hour. At the other side of the park were a group of young boys who just seemed to be drinking alcohol, regardless of being underaged. She didn't even bother to take her phone with her. She wanted peace, without anyone calling or texting her. Her heavy breathing as well as teary eyes didn't seem to get any better but only continue to bother her. "I can't do this anymore" She thought in her head. After some time of thinking in silence she mouthed some words without realizing. "Fuck it", "Fuck what exactly Y/n?", she heard a familiar male voice saying. She could see his figure standing just a few steps away from her. She slowly moved her eyes from his shoes up to his eyes. "Hyunjae?" She said. "Stop calling me with my stage name" He said as he took a seat at the other side of the bench, just half a meter away from her.

"Is this about the History exam?" He said. "Yes, stupid right?" She said as she scoffed at her own behavior, whipping her tears away with her hoodie's sleeves. "There are people dying out there within every second that passes by, and you, a straight A student, cares about failing History? Pathetic" He said. "You don't know how hard student life is. You're an idol Hyunjae-", "Jaehyun! For you it's Jaehyun" He said clearly annoyed. "You won't take the exam, will you?" Y/n asked. "Of course not. There's no point on doing so. I have practice everyday and only got some free time because it's a Sunday today" Jaehyun said as he paused. "Well it was a few minutes ago. Shouldn't you rest? Tomorrow is an important day for you" He suggested. "Why do you care? Why are you here anyway?" Y/n questioned.

"I just visited my family who live here, and wanted some fresh air-", "I didn't mean that idiot" Y/n cut him off. "Then what?", "Why did you approach me right now and randomly started a conversation? You've done this a couple of times the past three years and I don't get why. I've had this question in my head for some time now and I don't think we'll ever meet again, so I would appreciate it if you would answer " She said as she turned her gaze towards his figure. "You've been studying so much that you were blind to notice any kind of human behavior" He commented. "What do you mean?", "I've been interested in you for a long time now, three years specifically as you said. I like you Y/n. Don't ask why, I really don't seem to know why, I just do" He said with a grin while avoiding any kind of eye contact.

Y/n felt like she'd missed a few episodes, as she tried to find something to say, suitable for the situation. "I-" She started saying but couldn't find the right words to continue her sentence. She could feel that her heart was beating uncontrollably fast, while her thoughts were just a tangled mess. "You don't have to reply. I was wrong for confessing at that moment while you are trying to fix your mental state and focus on your most important exam" Jaehyun said as he kept his head low. "I don't really know my feelings for you Jaehyun" Y/n started saying, while he could feel butterflies in his stomach by hearing her call him by his real name. "I just don't know if I'll like you for who you truly are, or for your celebrity image. I felt attracted to you before but I just feel like I shouldn't you know" Y/n said. "I'm really confused" She continued.

"I understand Y/n. But you shouldn't think about it for now. You should focus on your exams and not let me ruin your future. I already feel bad for being so naive and approaching you on the first place" He said as he softly hit his head with his right hand, making her giggle. "I actually prefer it. It's better having your company right now. I feel so burned out, that any kind of unrelated chat with my studies is actually nice. Especially with you, I just feel comfortable around you" She confessed. "Ah, you're making me think I have hopes with you Y/n" Jaehyun said. "You probably have though" She mumbled and he kinda heard her, not sure if she actually said that. "I'll be waiting for you Y/n, whenever you are ready. Even if you won't ever be it's okay" He said.

"It won't take long, just wait for six days" She said, leaving Jaehyun confused. "What do you-", "Just wait" She said, while he was thinking hard about what she could mean by that. "I think I should be going. Probably gonna get yelled at by my parents for my action" She tried to laugh it off. They both stood up, not far from each other. "If you can't sleep tonight just text me or call me" He said. "I don't have your number though" Y/n replied. He took out of his pocket a dark blue colored pen and reached for her wrist. He wrote a row consisting of 10 digits and under of it his full name. "You have it now, I hope you'll call me soon" He said with a small hopeful looking smile. "I'll probably will, I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight" Y/n said as she felt the pain in her chest having its comeback after she was able to calm down for a while.

She placed her right hand on her chest as she hissed in pain, trying to keep her breathing pace normal but it seemed hard for her. "Y/n what's wrong? What do you feel?" Jaehyun asked worried. She closed her eyes shut as she felt like her legs could go numb at any moment. Before she could fall, Jaehyun caught her and slowly helped her sit on the bench again. Tears escaping from her eyes, as fear was all over her again. "Try to calm down" He said as he softly caressed her back. "I get sudden feelings of pain like that from time to time. It's nothing serious" She said as she felt that the pain was fading away. "Are you sure it's fine? How long have this been happening?", "It's been four months" Y/n replied. "Do you think you'll be fine until the end of tomorrow's exam?", "I'll be fine" She said as she wore a fake smile on her face to not worry him. "You really made me worry Y/n" He said not letting go of her left hand. "I'm sorry" She said feeling embarrassed.

"You've done so much already for me Jaehyun. How am I supposed to return all these feelings to you?" She questioned him, as she didn't really think that she would get a proper answer. "A hug will be more than enough" Jaehyun managed to say. He wanted more than just a hug, but he didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable or make her think that he was being fast. He wanted to have her only for himself, to be able to stand by her at her every difficulty and happiness, but he thought that this was probably "too much" to want from someone at such a young age. "Are you sure? I don't think it's-" Y/n was cut off by Jaehyun who couldn't wait and just hugged her, wrapping his hands around her waist. She just did what he wanted and hugged him back, while she just rested her chin on his shoulder.

She could feel that every single one of her worries was fading away as the only thing she could think about was how warm his embrace was. She felt safe with him around, not wanting this moment to ever end. After a minute Jaehyun was about to pull away since he thought she could be feeling uncomfortable, but he was surprised to feel her pulling him back close to her body. "Don't you want to go home and rest?" Jaehyun asked. "I prefer it here actually" She said, not believing she was already letting her heart lead for once instead of her brain. "You're really spoiling me right now. I'll be really unfocused tomorrow because of you" Jaehyun joked. "Well I won't, so shouldn't I try and do well on my exam?" She replied. "Everything for you Y/n" Jaehyun said with a warm smile.

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