missing leader /chp.6\

117 5 6

(Rikku's pov)

'almost there' I was running out of breath due to how long I had been running

'finally' I had made it and took some breaths before looking up and walking in

"HOW COULD THIS HAD HAPPENED?" Arty yelled in a panic

"Artemis- I'm sure its fine" said Sapphire

"FINE? He never leaves without telling us and it looked like he put of a fight, PLUS THE HOLE IN THE BACK WALL OF HIS HOME" Artemis yelled

As I walked over to the two I realized that everyone was running around in a painc

"How did they even get past all of us?" I heard Kol ask someone

I pulled on Artemis' coat and he looked at me "w-what's happening?" I asked

He sighed then said "Ronin seemed to have gotten kidnapped"

I backed up in shock "H-how?" I asked

"None of us know" said Sapphire

Before I could say anything some came and hugged me from the side. I looked to see my amazing lover Shizu, I hugged them back

Both Davis and Jack walked over to us

"Anything?" Artemis asked the two

"Nothing" said Jack

"The only clue we seem to have is his home" Davis says

Shizu decided to ask "should we look a bit more out in the woods?"

"I- I mean we can get a small group of people to seach around a bit, maybe a piece of hair or clothing could be found" Artemis thought about what Shizu said

"I can see who would be okay with coming" Jack said

"Make sure they are around 19-15, I don't want anyone younger going out" Artemis says as Jack walked away

"How many people should go?" Asked Davis

"Depends on how many people want to but maybe around 4-5" Said Artemis "we need people to have an eye on the place and see if anything else was taken"

"Is there anyone who should stay back?" I asked

"You, Shziu, Ana. You guys are young plus Ana would be scared out of her mind" Said Artemis

"Maybe Blake since we would need some kind of leader in a way" said Sapphire

"I know that I want Kol to be one of the people going out since he will be the best at protecting everyone" Artemis adds

"That is a fair point" Said Shizu

"I could also go" said Davis

"I think you should stay since as much as Blake can be a leader she's too hard on people, need you around to calm that down" said Artemis

Soon Jack came back "I got Yuki and Kol who would be up"

Artemis seemed to think about it "okay, Davis you will be coming and Sapphire will stay since they are more out going, then Jack you, Yuki, Kol and I will go out"

Davis nodded "your getting better at being the leader role without needing to use your quirk" Sapphire commented

"I- uh thanks" Artemis said embarrassed

"Are we going now or?" Jacl asked

"Now I guess, so can you get the other two?" Artemis asked

Jack nodded and ran off again

"Anything we should do?" I asked Arty

"Just try to calm people down" Said Artemis "shouldn't be too hard since there aren't alot of us"

"Guess we wait here?" Davis asked

"Yeah" said Artemis

"Guess we should get going" Shizu grabbed my hand

"Y-yeah" I say

The two of us went off as Jack came back with Yuki and Kol

I turned my head around to see them leaving into the woods then looked around to see if anyone needed help or needed help calming down

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