the kindom /chp.1\

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(Shino's pov)

"Alright you all can stop training now" said Moodswing

We all put our weapons up and went to get changed

"Training was good today" said Flex. Flex is able to turn into people by touching them, we aren't sure if he can use their quirks. Flex is a hard one when it comes down to goodness or bad so he has on a red bracelet showing that he could be dangerous, but with the way he acts, its doubtful

"Yeah, it was" I say

I jump back when Nico appears in front of me "how was training?" He asked

Every time training is done Nico comes to check on us. He doesn't plan on being a knight

"Like I was saying, it was good" I roll my eyes

Once I'm done changing, the three of us leave the back of the Castle since that's were it is and go into town

"Heard that Yuuto has his stall open today" says Nico who is jumping up and down in excitement

Yuuto could change shap and stuff with parts of his body, he doesn't do offen other then cat ears, he is one of the popular bakers in town

"Guess we could go get some cupcakes or something" I say

Flex puts his fist in the air then baxk down, showing that he is happy or well won

The three of us went into town square where the stalls usually are

We saw yuuto getting stuff ready, along with Kiyo aka his boyfriend. Kiyo can make portals, if we ever need to fight he would portal is in or in we needed to sneak in

"Are we the first ones?" Flex asked running up to the stall

"O-oh hi you three" said Yutto

"Heeyyyyyy" said Nico

"Guessing you guys want cupcakes or something?" Asked Kiyo while he was eating a donut

"Just three cupcakes" I say to Yuuyo while grabbing out the money

"I would ask what kind but I know you guys already" Yuuto laughed and grabbed two chocolate cupcakes and a red velvet one

The chocolate ones went to Nico and Flex while I got the red velvet one

I paid yuuto and we walked off, we were walking by some of the homes

"Remember when Jake had to leave?" Asked Flex

When we were little, we had a friend name jack, his quirk wasn't bad, he had speakers which were apart of him, sadly the one in his thoat was destructive and he was removed from the kingdom, it broke his parents hearts. We don't remember much since we were kids but we remember hanging out with him and soon heard what happened

"Yeah, but its safer now" I say

"I know, it's something I think about" Flex says

"Oh! I'm gonna head into the clothes shop" nico says running to the shop

"Do we keep going or?" Asked flex

"I think we keeo going since it will be a bit" I say

The two of us were walking around when I saw something out the corner of my eye

It was a cloaked figure... Someone most be stealing or something. The king told us sometimes the banished break in to steal

I looked over to flex and said "be right back" and ran off

"OKAY!" Yelled Flex

I ran after the figure, they had noticed me and kept running. The figure ran between to houses and once I got there they were gone with no trace

'odd...' I thought 'I'll make sure to tell Moodswing'

I walked off to go find flex or someone else to talk to before going home

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