the kidnapped /chp. 10\

98 6 5

Tw: talks of death

(Database's pov)

I opened my eyes and looked around... Same God damn basement, I turned to my head to see Ronin, I learned his name when we first woke up here

How do I know this is a basement? I can see stairs going on, ever since we got here there has been nothing, no voice of who took us, nothing

"Ronin...ronin...RONIN!" I yelled to get Ronin to wake up, he sleeps a lot

"Huh? What?" He looed around the room then kinds at me "what?"

We are both tied up to chairs with our backs facing eachother

"Just waking you up" I say

He rolls his eyes "there is nothing to do"

"Listen I know, we have been here for some  days? Week? Weeks now" I say

"We have looked all around this room and found nothing, it is best to wait for people to come get us" he says

"Get us? I don think the banished would care to find you, wair based on what you have said they are too scared too, and I don't think the knights will save you" I say

"They will, many of them would take the leadership role, they will try there best" He says "plus they both have the same amount of evidence, a messed up room since I don't think anything else was left behind"

"Your right" said a familiar voice

We both looked to the door and saw someone coming down the steps, there aren't many like 3-5 steps, he flicked on the lights

I looked in shock "Manolo?"

Manolo was once a knight in training when I was a prince and became a knight around the time I became king, his real name is Manolo but his knight name is Metica

Manolo was married before his wife had died, he also had a kid but once his quirk was found out he was banished, if I remember correctly, around the time his wife died and kid was banned, he went missing. When we found his wife dead we found the kid in his room and him gone, it was something around those lines

"Hello Angela" said Manolo

"Of corse its someone from your kingdom" Ronim says "none of mine would do that

Then we heard laugher and at the doorway some cat person was laughing

"Rain out" Manolo demanded

Ronin sighed "none of my current people of residence"

I chuckled hearing him eat his own words

"How have the two of you been?" He asked

"How do you think?" Asked Ronin

He laughed "what is the meaning of this?" I asked

"Oh just taking down the kingdom and the banshed is all starting a new? Kinda" he says

"We haven't even done shit" said Ronin

"And we have just been living life" I say

"This doesn't make sense" says Ronin

I sighed "hate to agree but he has a point"

"Just want things to be in my vision, everything crumbling down" he laughs

Ronin takes a deep breath "just like a villain in a kids story book"

I laugh a bit "just wanted to check in, in person" said Manolo and he left the room

"What quirk does he have?" Ronin asked

"He doesn't have one" I say

"Okay... Good to know" he says

"Rain?" I asked

"Can weaken quirks" I say

'I see why he was banshed' I tool note

"I think I'm goinf to sleep.... I don't know what to think" Said Ronin

"It's for the best to have energy and all" I say

I looked down and closed my eyes hoping to sleep

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