missing people /chp.13\

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As time went on, they found out a bit more about Manolo, Rain and Jason. Manolo being a knight and how Jason's quirk turned him into Kreg, then Rain's quirk being a hard one to get by. They knew they had to be somewhere in the woods,  so groups would check out certain places and mark them down etc

Though during this time, it seemed that Manolo and the others weren't patiently sitting around.... They started to take some of the people and would leave notes, either being a hint or some rude comment

(Yuki's pov)

I took a deep breath before knocking on Artemis' room's door, I know he has been taking this the hardest since the leader role was more or less put into him, we are trying to make it less stressful by taking some of the responsibilities

"I'm coming in" I said opening the door

I looked around to see books and papers scattered around the place. Artemis was reading over some of the notes. On his back wall, he had a board with notes and pictures of the people on it with string  pointing in different directions etc

"Artemis" I saw walking over

He looked at me, you could tell he was tired "they are by a cave or in one"

"What?" I asked

"The notes, we need to look around and in some caves" he said pinning the notes to the board. The board had the missing people on it.

Rikku, Clover, David, Kane, Mario, and pistachio

I put a hand on his back "Artemis maybe let someone else look at this and stuff, take a break"

"But, I can't, we don't know what they will do to them" He fought back

"Which is why we tell the others about the caves and have someone else start looking into it or have more people" I say

"But we already do" He says

"Exactly, so take a break" I say "let some others also look at the board"

"I-I don't know" he says

"Just lay in bed and rest please" I beg him

He sighed "okay okay" and walked to his bed and got in

I smiled and left his room then the building. I saw both Davis and Kat talking. Kat had a red bracelet on, it was to show she could be a danger to the kingdom from what I was told. Her quirk was copycat, she could copy her friends quirks though could only use one at a time, if she befriended a bad quirk user she could use their quirk which is why she has the bracelet

I walked over to the two "hey"

"Heu Yuki" Kat says and Davis waved

"What were you doing?" Davis asked

"Getting Artemis to sleep" I say

"Is he?" Kat asked me

"Yeah" I replied

"That's good" said Davis

I decided to ask Davis "any news on the people missing?" Since he went out a bit ago to go look

He shook his head "I couldn't find anything"

"How about the others that went out?" I asked him

"Nothing" he answered

I sighed "well spread this around, they are either near a cave or in one"

The two nodded their heads and walked off to other groups to spread the news

'I really hope they are all okay' I took a deep breath trying not to cry

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