what to do /chp.15\

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(Shizu's pov)

"Hey arty!' I called out running to him

"O-oh hey Shizu" said Artemis

"What are you doing?" I asked

"I was going to see how much wood we have" he says

"Ohhhh" I say "thinking of a building"

"Well the nurses office, since it's just a tent" He points to it

I turn to face it before looking back at arty "yeahhh"

"So that when maybe starting new houses" he said "well more like planing it out"

"Well plan them out and if we can statt bulding" I say

He sighed "I feel like we should wait for Ronin to do that"

"That's fair" I say "but arty...."

"Mhm?" Is the only word? Sound to leave artemis

"Uh- are you okay? You look tired...and sad like it looks like you were crying" I say

"Oh- uh, I was just staying up again, you know me outfits and all" he gives a nervous laugh after speaking

"Oh- okay, just make sure to get more sleep" I say 'I don't believe him'

"Yeah, how is cave checking going?" He asked

"Good? Been marking off the caves that theu aren't it" I say "Kiyo, yuuto and Sapphire are out right now

"That's good to know" he says

"Yeah, is there anything you want me to do?" I asked

"Uh- once Davis is done guarding could you do the next shift?" Artemis asked

"Oh- sure" I say

He smiles "thank you shizu"

(Willow's pov)


annnd there!' I finished putting out some of my new followers that have grown

"Willow?" I looked to the door to see Shino coming in "oh, hey Shino!" I say

He smiled and walked over "got some new Flowers out I see"

"Yup, already and everything" I say happily

"Right" he says

"Are you alright? I heard you came back last night in a hurry" I ask

He sighs "something just happened was all"

"What to talk about it?" I asked while looking at some of the flowers

"I mean, I kinda feel like you are the only one I can talk to about this, well maybe mania" he says

"Whats up?" I asked, having my elbow on a table

"I- I kissed Artemis last night" he admitted

"O-oh" I say in shock "congrats!"

"Not really a congrats movement" he said

I looked at him confused "did he not like it?"

"I...I don't know" he says

"What do you mean?" I asked him

He sighed "I ran right after"

I smacked my hand onto my face "Shino...."

"Listen just a lot went though my head, being a knight in training, the ruling... everything just clouded my thoughts" He says

I sighed "but who cares about all of thay, hell we are already are breaking rules going over there"

He looked down and to the side "I...I know"

"Do you like him?" I asked and he nodded "then talk to him"

He sighs "but what if he doesn't want to?"

"Then you wait for him to be ready" I say

He smiled "I knew you would give good advice"

"Yeah I mean Artemis and everyone there are lovely people" I say

"Yeah, they have been growing on me" He admits

I gave a small laugh "wanna hear a secret?"

"I guess? He says nervously

"They grew on me long before any of this happened" I say

"Wait...what?" He asks

"When I went into the woods to get some of these flowers I ran into Rikku and we became friends, I also got to mean Shizu a bit after the two started dating" I admited to Shino

"Guess that explains why you were so friendly from the get go" He says

"Yep" I give him a smile "to work of those nervous, you wanna help with the flowers?"

He thought about it for a second "sure"

I giggled "maybe you can find some for arty~"

He blushed and rolled his eyes "let's just get to work"

I laughed before showing him what to do

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