14. The date. 3115 words

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When Alpha Soto returned from his run, the medical doctor mind-linked him. "Please come to medical with Ziffa. We have some disturbing results."

"On my way," Alpha Soto mind-linked back. Then he mind-linked Beta Dolph, Delta Zeeb, and Ziffa, "Meet me at medical now."

They all mind-linked back, "On my way."

A few minutes later the four of them were standing in the medical waiting room. Dr. Jane came out, and directed them to her office. Alpha Soto and Ziffa sat in the chairs. Beta Dolph stood behind the Alpha, and Delta Zeeb stood behind Ziffa. The doctor walked around her desk to her chair.

"Thank-you for coming so quickly. Before I continue, Ziffa, do I have your permission to share your results with these three men?"

"Yes, you have my permission Doctor Jane."

"OK. I had my staff do a complete workup on Ziffa. Ziffa, the good news is your are a perfectly healthy wearwolf for your young adult age. However, I also had your oxytocin,
dopamine, serotonin, vasopreesin levels checked." The doctor was now talking directly to Ziffa. "What made you think ... Ocuna, I believe you said, is your mate?"

All the wolves were listening to Ziffa.
"Well, my wolf felt something but it wasn't very strong. Then Ocuna exclaimed "mate" so I thought that was what my wolf was feeling."

"Were you mesmerized by Ocuna? Did you want to touch him? to kiss him?" the doctor asked.

"No doctor. I am not a loose female," Ziffa was stunned.

"When you touched, did the tingles go thru your entire body? Did you feel aroused?" the doctor continued her inquiry.

"The tingles were faint. They did not go thru my entire body. No I was not aroused," Ziffa looked disgusted.

"Were you happy that you found your mate?" the doctor questioned.

""At first, yes. But as the dinner continued, I had doubts that I could not explain. "

"Ziffa do you miss Ocuna? Do you wish he was here?" was the doctors final questions.

"No, I don't miss him," Ziffa responded.

"That would explain the results. Her four hormone slightly increased but not as high as they should be. If you remember, Alpha, Delta, the first time we saw our mates, our hearts beat faster. All we saw was our mate. We instantly gravitated to our mates. Without thinking, we kissed them. None of that happened for Ziffa. Usually within 48 hours mates are marked and mated. And we know from personal experience that when mates first meet, they are attached to the hip. Even now, I miss my mate, and I saw him this morning. "

"So is Ocuna my true mate? " Ziffa asked.

"After hearing your answers, and seeing the results for these four hormones, I would say no. But you do have a slight increase, but you can get that increase by ordering your favorite food."

"Why does Ocuna have a stronger mate bond than Ziffa?" the Alpha inquired.

"My educated guesses is that Ocuna is faking the mate bond or maybe a witch tried to create a mate bond. Of course, her mate bond could be very weak.," the doctor considered. "Ziffa do you want Ocuna as a mate?"

"Now that you have explained what may be happening, I feel less guilty say I do not want to be mated to Ocuns."

Delta Zeeb sighed. "I am sorry Ziffa. You first experience with the mate bond should have been a happy occasion."
The other three agreed with sad eyes.

"Ziffa, I am going to call a witch and see if she can determine if you mate bond has been disturbed with a spell. In the meantime, I am going to request Ocuna to come to our pack and be tested. Is that ok with you?"

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