11 - Possible Alliance 1539 words

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During breakfast the next morning, Alpha Soto, Beta Dolph, and Delta Zeeb noticed that the warriors, and higher ranking wolves of the Bronze Moon pack had specific servers assigned to them. The servers were dressed in rags, always looked at the floor, and accepted responsibility for any mistakes made. More than once the servers were abused by their assigned wolves. Alpha Soto nodded towards one table that had a wolf, his mate, and child. The server knelt and the wolf's feet opposite the mate. Alpha Soto mind-linked his friends, "Why is the server kneeling at the wolf's feet? Did you notice that if the wolf wants something,  he kicks the server that is kneeling at his feet, and tells her what he wants. She scurries away, and returns with whatever the wolf wanted, and returns to her kneeling position."
The Beta Dolph nodded towards a different table and mind-linked his Alpha and Delta. "That table in the corner has two servers, one for the wolf, and one for serving the family." The Beta Dolph called his server to the table. "Would you be able to explain to me why the table in the corner has two servers? All the other tables have one server."
She looked frightened as she looked at the floor. "Only one of them is a server. The other has a different position." Alpha Soto looked up. "What is her position?"
"I am not allowed to speak of it. I am sorry sir "
Beta Dolph felt sorry for the petrified server. "No worries. Thank-you."
She quickly went back to her spot at the wall.
Delta Zeeb mind-linked, "What is this pack hiding?"
Alpha Soto responded, "I don't know. Perhaps Alpha Jacob can explain the purpose of the second server."
Suddenly the three of them heard a female scream.
Ziffa was having breakfast with Ocuna and his family. Ocuna pulled out a chair for Ziffa to sit in next to him. The server assigned to the Alpha's family took their breakfast order. She returned with the beverages.
"May I have a different flavored tea?" Ziffa asked.
Alpha Jacob called the server over. He picked up Ziffa's hot tea and poured it on the server's head. "How dare you serve my son's mate something she does not like!" he yelled at the server.
Ziffa let out a scream. She did not expect the Alpha to be so harsh. Delta Zeeb, and her bodyguard were instantly at Ziffa's side.
"Are you ok, Ziffa?" Delta Zeeb asked.
Ziffa was scared. "It is my fault she got hurt," she cried.
"What did you do?" Delta Zeeb questioned.
"I asked for a different flavor tea, and..  and Alpga Jacob became enraged and poured my hot tea on her head."
Delta Zeeb turned to her bodyguard. "Please take Ziffa back to her room. Guard her door. I will bring breakfast to her."
The guard escorted Ziffa to  her room. "Is their anything i can do so you can feel better?" the guard inquired. She silently nodded no. He immediately guarded the door.
Meanwhile, Delta Zeeb turned to the table, "You frightened Ziffa. Why were you so cruel to the server?" Delta Zeeb demanded.
The Alpha Jacob stood up. "Is this the way you speak to an Alpha!"
Before Delta Zeeb could respond, Alpha Soto had arrived at the table and stated, "Alpha Jacob, there is no reason to treat your servers this way. I will consider this issue of abuse to your pack members when deciding about our possible alliance."
"Delta Zeeb, I understand you were upset on behalf of Ziffa. Next time bring the issue to me, and I will speak to Alpha Jacob. Go check on Ziffa." He dismissed Delta Zeeb.
"You are not going to punish him for disrespecting an Alpha?!?" Alpha Jacob was fuming.
"I spoke my Delta. It will not happen again. He is Ziffa's personal guard. His duty is to protect her during our stay. Since Ziffa felt scared, his duty was to protect her. Since you caused the fear, his duty is to protect her from you. I run my pack on respect not fear."
Alpha Soto turned to the server,"Are you hurt? Would you like my Beta to take you to the hospital for treatment? You have some nasty burns."
The server nodded. "Omegas do not receive medical treatment. It would be a waste of resources," she explained as if it was perfectly normal.
"Nonsense," Beta Dolph interrupted the omega. "Alpha Soto, I will stay with her while she receives treatment.  She must be frightened."
"Good," Alpha Soto agreed.
The server and Beta Dolph headed to the hospital.  The dining room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
"Are you telling me how to treat our omegas?" Alpha Jacob asked Alpha Soto.
"No, I am simply treating that omega like a wearwolf," Alpha Soto responded.
"I am disappointed  with how you treat your pack." Alpha Soto turned and left the dining room.
Ocuna got up from his seat. "How could you father? She is my mate and you scared her away!"
Alpha Jacob glared at him. "She is only a female.  You have many to choose from!"
"She is not just a frmale. She is my mate. Would you treat mother this way!"
"Your mother gave me a heir and many cubs. And after all that she gave me the ultimate gift. Would Ziffa do that for you?"
Ocuna was speechless. Ocuna realized Alpha Jacob's  children, his mate were not his ultimate gift. The personal servant/toy that the Luna gifted him was his ultimate gift. And his father tossed her aside when she was 18 never to be seen again. Ocuna walked away before he said something he regretted to his father. He headed to Ziffa's room to apologize.
When Ocuna reached Ziffa's door he was abruptly stopped by the guard. "You may not enter," the guard stated.
"She is my mate. You cannot stop me!"
The guard mind-linked Delta Zeeb.
Delta Zeeb stepped out of Ziffa's room.
He nodded to the guard and the looked at Ocuna.
"May I assist you with something?" Delta Zeeb asked Ocuna.
"I want to check on my mate," Ocuna retorted.
"Didn't you and your family do enough this morning? Ziffa is upset over the incident at the breakfast table. She will not eat the breakfast I brought her."
"My father defended her. She was not served the tea she wanted," Ocuna tried to explain.
"Because Ziffa preferred a different flavor tea, your father determined that it was appropriate to pour the scolding hot tea that Ziffa did not care for on the server's head? How would the server know Ziffa's preference? How was that an appropriate punishment? " Delta Zeeb questioned Ocuna.
Ocuna thought for a moment.  "Omegas are responsible for making sure the wearwolves are pleased. Nothing less than perfection is acceptable," he explained. "The omegas are aware of the consequences."
"Please, I want to check on my mate."
Delta Zeeb mind-linked Ziffa then he turned to Ocuna.
"I will be in the room with you. She is my responsibility, " Delta Zeeb informed Ocuna.
The two men entered the room. Ocuna walked towards Ziffa. Delta Zeeb gave them some space but watched carefully.
"Are you ok, Ziffa?" Ocuna asked.
Ziffa looked up with red puffy eyes.
"He..  he hurt her. Over a cup of tea," she started to cry again.
"Do not cry over an omega. Next time she will bring you the correct tea," he tried to explain.
She looked at Ocuna with disbelief.  "You burned her because she is an omega? Would you treat your sister that way? Would you treat me that way?" She stepped back. Delta Zeeb stepped closer to Ziffa.
"Of course not. You are my mate, not some worthless omega. I love you." Ocuna did not understand the problem.
Ziffa stepped closer to Delta Zeeb.
Delta Zeeb sat Ziffa on the bed. Then he stepped in front of her. "I think you have upset her enough. Let's step into the hallway." Delta Zeeb looked over his shoulder and looked at Ziffa. "I will be back." She nodded.
As the two men entered the hallway Delta Zeeb spoke. "Ziffa is upset. She needs time to process everything you said to her."
Ocuna nodded.
Delta Zeeb continued,"If I may ask, during breakfast there was a table in the corner with two servers, but one of the servers stayed knelt at the husband's feet. Was I correct to believe she was a second server?"
Ocuna looked surprised. "Of course not. If a wife is pleased with her mate she will gift him a personal servant. Doesn't your pack have personal servants?"
Delta Zeeb inquired, " I am not sure. What does a personal servant do?"
Ocuna looked confused. "She does whatever the owner wants or needs, 24 hours a day."
"Are they treated better than the servers?" Delta Zeeb asked.
"They are all omegas. They are all treated the same," Ocuna answered.
"I must go back inside and check on Ziffa," Delta Zeeb said and he left
Delta Zeeb mind-linked Alpha Soto, "We must talk after I calm Ziffa."
"Ok," was the instant response.
Will Ziffa be safe with Ocuna?
Will Alpha Soto create an alliance with the Bronze pack?

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