13 Glad to be home 3139 words

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After driving for a while, the motorcade pulled into the parking lot of a diner. Everyone got out of their vehicles and surrounded Alpha Soto.
"Thank-you for the excellent departure. None of us were able to have dinner so dinner is my treat. I am asking the guards room stay on high alert during dinner. Let's go in."

"Welcome! How many?" the hostess asks. Beta Dolph gives her a big smile.
"Hmmm...." he reads her name tag. "15, if we include you, Betty," he flirts.

"Do you want one table or separate tables?" Betty asks.

Beta Dolph replies, "Separate tables are fine. As long as they are near each other. Maybe a table for two?" he continues flirting.

Alpha Sota chuckles and mind-links, "How long has it been for you, Dolph?"

Beta Dolph replies, "You know I just made her whole day." They both laugh.

"This way." Betty sits them at three different tables. She places five menus on each table. "Your waiters will be here shortly." She goes back to her podium.

Delta Zeeb laughs. "You are losing your touch Dolph." Beta Dolph shrugs.

Alpha Soto, Beta Dolph, Delta Zeeb, and Ziffa sit at the middle table. The warriors sit at the other two tables.

Alpha Soto mind links the warriors, "Steaks and chicken for everyone?" Everyone said yes. "OK, I will order."

The waiter came to Alpha Soto's table.
"May I take your order?"

"We would like 14 rib eyes rare, and 14 half chickens," Alpha Soto ordered.

"Excuse me," the waiter was flustered.

Beta Dolph smiled. "These three tables are ours. Each person wants a rib eye rare and a half-chicken."

"Oh, that makes more sense. And the drinks?"

"That comes with salad and soup, potatoes and vegetables."

Alpha Soto states simply, "14 soups of the day, 14 salads no dressing, 14 baked potatoes, and 14 mixed vegetables."

The waiter calls the bus boy over. "Make sure these three tables get water." The busboy nods and returns with the water. "14 rib eyes, 14 half-chickens, 14 lobster bisque, 14 salads - no dressing, 14 baked potatoes, and 14 mixed vegetables. Is that right?"

"Yes, that's what we want," Alpha Soto confirms.

"Got it. Thank-you!" The waiter inputs the order on the computer. Another waiter assists him to bring out the soup, the salads, and the bread baskets.

"Are you ok Ziffa? You have been very quiet," Delta Zeeb asks. Alpha Soto and Beta Dolph wait for her answer.

"It's been a hectic few days. I am still processing everything that has happened," Ziffa explains.

"I understand," Delta Zeeb says. "Hopefully the medical tests will answer some of your dilemmas."

"I hope so. I have many questions," Ziffa replied.

"Like what," Beta Dolph was genuinely curious.

"First, I want to know why my mate bond is so weak. Second, when Ocuna first found out we were mates he was sweet, romantic even. But then he started treating me like a possession. Third, after the incident at breakfast, I noticed even the mated females were quiet. They all looked down. They did not look happy," Ziffa continued. "I am not sure if I want to accept the bond if my life is going to be unhappy. But Ocuna says I do not have a choice. He says it is not up to the female."

"Hmmm....," Alpha Soto looked concerned. "Ziffa, we are going to find out what is going on with your mate bond. Remember, you belong to this pack. If your final decision is to reject Ocuna after weighing the pros and the cons that is your right. Just remember, the mate bond is given to us from the moon goddess. A mate bond should not be taken lightly."

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