First Day

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I reluctantly open my eyes and move my arm to cover them, the sun beaming through the "window" of whatever room I was in. I take in my surroundings before realizing I'm on a bed. The  room is very small and has the same unstable looking walls as the building I was in the day before, there's a door on the opposite side of the room from the one I was by. The bed was pushed up into a corner, the makeshift window across from it.

I push myself onto my elbows to sit up a bit, and I realize I have pretty much no recollection of the bonfire. I blink slowly a few times, still adjusting to the light, before being hit with a sharp pain in my head. I wince and suck in a breath through my teeth. I shake my head and try to stand up, nearly losing my balance as my feet hit the floor. 

I look down at myself and see I'm still in the same clothes from yesterday, glass shard and all. I look around again and notice a crate at the end of the bed, it has a few things in it, clothes, a brush, hair-ties, and some other stuff. I pull out a dark blue tank top and some jean shorts. I slide off my clothes from before and replace them with these, I also slipped the glass into my back pocket. Most of the clothes in the crate were blue, so that's, fun? 

I walk towards the door, bracing myself for whatever the hell the day was gonna be like. When I leave the room I notice I'm in an even bigger building, which I think is the same one that I woke up in.

My heads still pounding but I manage to put up with it while I shift outside. As I walk outside I'm immediately distracted by the beauty of the area around me. The walls I had noticed last night looked even taller now, the grass was bright green and the trees all looked just as lively. I took in the sight of all the handmade parts, the huts, the garden, it was all so gorgeous. I try to walk around but I'm stopped by a hand grabbing my left arm, I reach for the glass shard with my other hand but then realize it's Thomas and exhale a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Good morning greenie, you ready for the day?"

I nod and follow as he leads me over to Alby, who's talking to Newt. I think I vaguely remember apologizing to him, but just incase I'm imagining it I'm gonna try and like, not, piss him off any more. We make it over to them, and Thomas walks away after giving me a hard pat on the back and wishing me luck. Im honestly screwed if I'm gonna be alone with Newt and Alby all day.

Alby tells me that I'll be given a quick tour, then after lunch I'll try out a few of the jobs. He said I'm only allowed to do certain ones though cause I'm a girl, sexist much? Whatever, I'm either gonna be a track-hoe, med-jack or I'll work in the kitchen. I nod at his explanations, still avoiding talking. I zone out a bit as he gives me job descriptions, but my attention is shot back up to his voice when he tells me that I'd be with Newt for tour, and he'd be leaving.

Kill me.

I thought I was screwed when it was Newt AND Alby, but now I'm like, DOUBLE screwed. I see Newt roll his eyes as Alby walks off, and I give him a sheepish smile. I move my eyes down to his arms, and he had taken off some of the bandages, revealing the cuts. I frown as my view flicks between his eyes and his injuries. He eventually speaks up and when he does, I remember he's British and it throws me off a bit.

"Alright here's the deal, I don't want to be here, you probably don't either. To make it easier for both of us I'll just give the tour and you won't talk or ask any of your bloody questions. Got it?"

Any guilt that was left in me was washed away, who does he think he is to talk to me like that? I mean, he's the second in command, but still? I step back as my face melts into one of annoyance but I don't feel like arguing or making him dislike me any more than he probably already does so I just cross my arms and nod. 

He starts the tour with the gardens, which we were standing by. He gives me a short description before moving onto the kitchen, then we move to the deadheads, and I just stop listening to him after that so I kind of don't know where else we went. He barely explained each place anyway so its not like the tour would be much help. 

Eventually he ends it off at the building I woke up in, so I start to listen again, he tells me that it is the homestead. He tells me it's where I'd be staying, the room I was given used to be empty but now it was mine since I was the only girl and shouldn't have to sleep around all the boys. I think he mentioned that the keepers got their own rooms too. Don't quote me on that though cause I also think I heard him say something about Thomas and Minho having a situationship. 

"Alright, well tours done. I unfortunately have to stay with you until lunch though. Please try to keep up the no talking thing, I'm surprised you could even last this long. I'll take you inside and you can just sit and- do girl- things? I don't bloody know just don't mess with me."

I roll my eyes in response but follow him into to the homestead, I sit down in a chair and start to pinch at my wrists a bit. Newt grabs some paper and a pencil and sits in a chair on the side of the room opposite to me. 

I look at the floor and notice some glass still sitting there from yesterday, and I snicker to myself. Newt hears me and gives me a glare, I meet his eyes and look at his arms again, and snicker some more before turning my body a bit to be facing him better. "Did I apologize last night?" I blurt out after staring at him for a few seconds. 

"I thought I told you to not talk."

"But did I?"

"Slim it."

"If I did- I take It back."

"What?" He says sharply, I just sigh and turn myself back to how I was originally sitting. I hear him scoff and mutter something to himself, too quiet for me to understand. I just ignore it and think to myself. 

I wonder what my name is? I hope its something pretty. Not something stupid like Newt. He's literally a salamander. That's embarrassing. What if I'm something worse though? What if I'm named after like a bug, or like, a jellyfish or something. Actually there are some animals I wouldn't mind being named after, OH MY GOSH I totally hope I'm named after a peacock. I could make so many jokes about myself.

"What are you bloody chuckling about?"

I didn't realize but I was laughing a little too loudly at the thought of my name being peacock, loudly enough for him to hate me even more, joy!

"Nothing, salamander."


"Salamander. Get it? Cause like a newt is a kind of salamander-"

"Slim it."

"Whatever you say salamander!"

I flinch at the sudden noise of newt slamming his hands down on the table in front of him, an angered expression on his face and his eyes deepened with rage.

"Can you just take something seriously? God you're shucking annoying. I'm done with you, I'm not doing this anymore. Good luck on your own greenie."

He rushes over to the door of some other room, slamming it so hard I honestly thought it was gonna make the walls collapse cause damn these buildings look weak. I take a second to laugh at how immature he is, then I realize he left whatever he had been drawing on the table. I stand up to try and see what it was, and he was literally drawing a salamander. A SALAMANDER. He had a few more drawings though, one was of a tree - I think. Another was what looked like flowers, covering the entire paper. It was actually kind of pretty. I folded it up and slipped it into one of my pockets.

I drop the papers and decide to try and like take a nap or something, I'd walk around but I don't want to be seen by Alby and get Newt in trouble, he'd for sure blame me and there's no point in making him hate me more. I ended up sitting in the chair he had been in, and I rested my head down between my arms on the table, closing my eyes and trying to let myself rest.

I hate blue. // Newt TMRWhere stories live. Discover now