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time skip - 3 days

her pov:

I yawn as I open my eyes, last night was my first night back in my room after the slammer. The time went by pretty quick, and me and Newt both stayed silent for most of it. It was easier to just not talk about it than to try and explain.

I'm hoping he won't mention what happened to anyone. It's hard enough already hearing talk about how I'm 'too emotional' and 'weak', I don't need anyone thinking I really am like that.

Minho and Thomas are only supposed to be running for a few hours today, meaning I'll probably have to apologize to them at lunch. Even though I had plenty of time to think, I couldn't come up with anything to say to either of them. 

I lay in bed just staring at the ceiling for a few minutes before I actually get up. Im still scared that the walls of this place could collapse at any moment. 

I shift my legs over my bed and onto the floor, which could also collapse the second I put my body weight down. I stand still for a few seconds before groggily making my way over to my small box of supplies.

 I open up the crate with my clothes and I put on a navy tank top with some denim shorts. I decide to take my glass shard along with me today, something in my instincts is warning me to.

I walk outside the homestead and I see around half the gladers up and working, so its probably been a little over an hour since the sun came up. 

I'm never really sure what time it is, only the runners have watches but they're always gone during the day so I kinda just have to use the sun to try and guess.

I make my way over to the kitchen, where I find Frypan. His eyes widen at the sight of me but before he can try to talk I start.

'I ran into the maze, then got put in the slammer. Don't ask.'

I can see the shock on his face as his jaw drops, but he then shakes his head and doesn't say anything. I start to help him with what he's making, which doesn't look very edible. 

I end up making eggs while he makes his sludge... thing? 

After a few minutes we both sit on the ground together while we wait for people to come over and get food.

Me and Fry are decent friends, it'd kinda suck if we weren't since we work together. He always runs off to watch Gally's fights when they happen, I think that they're both pretty close. Im starting to really like Gally, besides his anger issues and constant need to be right about everything he's a cool dude.

Maybe frypan's opinions are just rubbing off on me a little too much, cause I've also taken a disliking to a few different guys that he just happens to klunk-talk every once in a while.

Im snapped out of my thoughts when I hear him start to talk, "Why'd you run in the maze?"

I don't know, I really don't. It was impulsive, too impulsive.

'I'm not sure, honestly.' I say with a sigh.

"How'd anyone find out?"

I hate blue. // Newt TMRWhere stories live. Discover now