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I groan as I feel arms on my shoulders, shaking me a bit. I lift my head up from the position it was resting in, and I rub my eyes to try and wake myself up more. I turn to see the boy standing above me, Alby.

The second I process him being there he speaks out, "So greenie, do you want to tell me where Newt is?" He sounds mad as hell and I open my mouth but no words come out. Alby shakes his head and begins to walk away and mumble about having to put Newt in the slammer but before he can leave  I blurt out the only excuse I could come up with, "He said he was gonna- uh- get me  something from his room. I was um- cold?" 

He just shakes his head more before coming back and grabbing my arm, dragging me over to Newts room. Great. We make it to the door and I swear this boy better be in here because if he's not then we're both dead.

 Alby opens the door and we both see Newt pacing in the middle of the room, not noticing either of us until Alby says "Did you forget something?" And newt squeals like a girl before looking back and forth between both me and Alby. "The greenie said you were getting something for her." Im standing behind him and so I move my hands over my arms to try and show Newt I was 'cold'. He looks at me confused for a second but then gets it.

"Uh- yeah she was cold?" It sounds more like Newts asking instead of saying, but he moves over to a dresser type object and opens a drawer, pulling a sweater out from it. He tosses it over to me and I thank him before pulling it over myself. Its grey and the fabric seems worn and thin. Alby sighs before giving Newt a warning about leaving me again, then walks out, leaving us alone.

The second the door closes I glare at Newt and start to get mad, "Oh my god, do you know how lucky you are right now? He was gonna throw you in the slammer. I pulled an excuse straight out of my ass, and we're lucky he believed it cause if he hadn't I would've been dragged down with you-" I trail off and end up just mumbling nonsense as I push my back to a wall and drop down, sitting against it. I finally stop talking, taking in a deep breath and lowering my head to look at the floor. I start to pinch my wrists a bit, with nothing to listen to besides my own breathing. "Thank you..." Newt trails off as he walks over to his bed.

I scoff and shake my head, digging my nails into my skin and pinching harder as I let anger infect my thoughts. He's so annoying. Cant even give me more than a thanks after I risked getting myself in trouble to cover up for HIS mistake? I can't believe I ever felt bad for him, I felt guilty. GUILTY. Ugh, I wish I had done more damage. Enough damage for him to not have been able to take me on his stupid tour. Enough damage so he wouldn't have been able to draw the stupid flowers I have folded up in my pocket. I don't even know my own name but he got that mad when I made a joke about his. He's lucky he even has a name to joke about. His name is so stupid. Newt. And the way he says it is even dumber. I hate his accent. Why would they even put someone British in here? He's too bossy. Maybe that's a British thing. Whatever it is, it's annoying. He's the only boy that's different. Why does he not like me? He should appreciate me for making it so he's not the only different one. I'd appreciate someone who made me less of a freak. Does he like being a freak? Is that why? I know I sure as hell wouldn't like being the ONLY weird one. I mean, I kinda am the only weird one. Or at least the weirdest. I'm not even weird, Im just a girl. Maybe that's why he doesn't like me. Cause he's sexist or something. Why do I even care? WHY do I care? I shouldn't care.

My thoughts are cut off when I hear a loud shout in my ear- "GREENIE???"

I snap out of whatever daze I was in, breathing heavily, I look up to see him standing over me with worry brimming in his eyes. "W-what?" I sputter out, still not fully back to reality. I all of a sudden feel something drip onto my thigh and a stinging pain from my left wrist, I look down to see that it was bright red, and bleeding from at least 3 different spots. Shit. I roll up the sleeve of the sweater as far up as I can so I don't get any blood on it, I grab the part of my wrist just above where its bleeding and I suck in a breath through my teeth, trying to deal with the pain.

"What the shuck? Are- are you okay?" Newt shouts in a panic, I look back up at him and I just stand up and rush out of the door. I run off to where I think the pond is, with him following close behind. Once I reach the water, I kneel down and push my wrist into the water. I wince as the water brings back the stinging feeling. The red of my blood mixes in faintly with the greenish tint of the pond before fading away.

 I can feel that Newt is standing behind me but I don't take the time to acknowledge him. I hold my hand over my wrist, still under the water, to make sure the bleeding stops. After about a minute or so I take my wrist out, shaking it a bit to try and dry it off. "What happened greenie?" Newt asks hesitantly. 

I continue to ignore him as I try to stand up again. I look down at my arm and sigh, but I didn't want any more attention on it so I ask "When's lunch?"

"Greenie seriously-"

"Im hungry."

"We should get you to the med-jacks I-"


"How did that even happen wh-"


He stops as I sigh again, "Drop it. When's lunch." I raise my eyebrows at him, and he looks me up and down before telling me to follow him, which I do.

He takes me to the kitchen and I'm introduced to frypan, who hands me a plate of food. I think its soup? It smells edible enough so I don't really care what it is. Newt walks behind me while I try to find literally anyone else to eat with. 

I spot Thomas sitting with Minho, and I scramble over to them with a smile on my face. I sit next to them, Newt standing over me, I look up to him, "Didn't Alby say you only had to stay with me until lunch? It's lunch. You don't have to chase me around anymore." 

He rolls his eyes and flips me off as he walks away, but I couldn't care less. I was glad to be done with him. I turn to Thomas and Minho and they both have disappointed looks on their faces, "So you and Newt still aren't on good terms" Minho says. "Its been a day. Chill? But no, he's annoying and I'm not planning on spending any more time with him than I actually need to." I say annoyed, before I take some of the 'soup'? and push it in my mouth with the crappy little spoon I was given.

I spend the rest of my lunch with the 2 boys, we talk and they make fun of me for being drunk, but then Thomas reminds Minho he was even worse than me. My day started turning around a bit and the rest of the day was just as decent.

 I tried the jobs I was allowed to, I think I'll probably end up in the kitchen. I failed miserably at being a med-jack cause I literally threw up when I had to watch someones shoulder be popped back into place. 

Being a track-hoe wasn't the worst but I definitely wasn't good at it. I think I somehow killed a tomato plant in the hour I was working. Newt works as a track-hoe when he's not doing second in command things. He was working but I just ignored him the entire time. I helped cook dinner, which went surprisingly well. 

So yeah, probably the kitchen. Still sexist though.

I hate blue. // Newt TMRWhere stories live. Discover now