
532 7 17

|| Emetophobia warning ||

I rush outside as fast as my body can take me, and I barely make it to the side of the homestead before I drop down onto my knees and begin to gag.

I close my eyes as I feel myself start to throw up, and I stumble to try and hold my hair away from my face.

The two boys quickly accompany me, Thomas taking my hair out of my own hands and holding it in his. My body practically drains itself of any liquid I had in me and I use my palms to wipe off my mouth.

Minho stares at me with an expression I cant quite make out, "I'm gonna go get Clint and Jeff-"

I try to argue, 'No don't I'm fi-'


I start throwing up again, barely being able to catch my breath as I retch over the ground.

'Yeah no nevermind, please go find them-' I nod before being cut off from another extreme wave of nausea.

Minho runs as I continue to twist inside out, and after a few more times my body has nothing left to give.

My throat is sore, breathing hurts my chest, my face is on fire and my eyes sting. In a matter of minutes I feel more exhausted than I ever have. I push out a final cough and take the corners of my shirt to wipe off my mouth.

Thomas drops my hair and before I can give it a second thought I fall straight onto him and hug him tight. He hesitates before wrapping his arms around me too. My head wrests against his chest as my breathing slows back to normal.

I look up at him to see him already looking down at me with concern painted all over his features, 'Thanks Tommy.' I say through a weak smile. He nods and smiles back, letting his worry rest.

It takes all the energy left in me to not fall asleep in his arms, but just as I'm about to give in to the fatigue I hear three voices coming our way.

I lift my head to find Minho with Clint and Jeff following closely behind.

I shift my weight off of Thomas and try to bring myself to my feet but almost fall over, luckily Thomas is able to slip his arm under mine and keep me stable.

Im brought to the med hut, and I basically melt into the bed they let me lay down on. 

Clint talks to both Thomas and Minho about what happened, and Jeff talks to me.

"Alright greenie what the hell happened?"

'I threw up, like a lot.' 

"Well I know that, do you know why? What was happening before you started."

'Uh, I was crying.'



"Alright, uhm, why?"

'That's not important.'

"Yeah it kind of is, were you hurt? Physically, I mean."

I look over to the other boys, they stop talking and stare back at me. I didn't get the chance to tell them what had actually happened yet and now that I was in a more stable state of mind, I don't really want to.

I hate blue. // Newt TMRWhere stories live. Discover now