The Nikkah pt2

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Thirty minutes
One hour
Two hours
Four hours

Haya sat there, looking like a statue by now. Time dragged on as she anxiously awaited Murtasim's arrival, but he remained nowhere in sight. Maa Begum's patience had been now replaced by frustration that led her to order Bakhtu to reveal whereabouts of Murtasim but unfortunately, no one knew where Murtasim Khan was. Haya was left emotionless, as there was a cacophony of noises questioning why Murtasim khan was not present on his own nikkah. Maa begum tried to come up with excuses to cover up the situation but she failed. The guests were looking at Haya with pitiful eyes, whispering how the poor girl got stood up at her own nikkah, however Haya sat there looking blank.

After almost six hours of wait, the departure of the last guest signaled the end of the nikkah festivities at Khan Haveli. Maa begum was fuming with anger and she constantly tried calling murtasim but his phone was switched off. She threw her phone away "Has Murtasim lost his senses?" she raged with anger in her voice "What sort of childish behavior is this? How dare he tarnish our reputation like this!" Maa Begum's anxiety deepened, as her eyes fell on Haya, who sat there looking still and paler than before, and with a softened tone, she said: "Haya I don't think murtasim will come back home today. You should go and get changed" but Haya has turned deaf eared and did not respond.

Amid this silence, the door swung open and murtasim entered, looking surprisingly calm and composed. Maa begum, who had to face embarrassment because of his disappearance from his nikkah, got anger by looking at his nonchalant behavior "look who decided to show up?" she said sarcastically, "where were you murtasim? Do you think marriage is a joke? Jab dil kiya haan kardi aur jab dil kiya chalay gaye?"

Haya's gaze lifted, and her eyes locked onto Murtasim. With a surge of emotion, she rushed to him, her arms encircling him tightly. "I knew you would come," she whispered, her voice trembling. "I knew you wouldn't leave me like this, right Murtasim? I waited and waited, and you're finally here now." Her words carried a mixture of relief and vulnerability. Murtasim's response, however, was far from what Haya anticipated. He forcefully pushed her away, his tone laced with disdain. "Get your filthy hands off me, and don't you ever dare to touch me again." The words landed like a blow, leaving Haya bewildered and hurt. Confusion etched across her face as she dared to question, "Murtasim, what's happened? Why are you acting like this? Have I done something wrong?"

Murtasim's silence hung heavy in the air, a barrier between them. As the seconds ticked by, his lack of response became its own statement, leaving Haya standing before him with uncertainty gnawing at her heart. Maa Begum, witnessing the scene, could no longer contain her fury. Her voice sliced through the tense silence, demanding answers. "Where were you, Murtasim? What could possibly been more important than your own nikkah? You've vanished from home for an entire week! Where have you been?" Her words crackled with anger, each syllable punctuating the mounting frustration she felt. The room seemed to hold its breath, a tableau of emotions and unspoken secrets. Haya's eyes pleaded for an explanation, Murtasim's face was impenetrable and Maa Begum's anger a force to be reckoned with. The air was thick with tension, bearing the revelations yet to unfold.

Murtasim drew a deep breath, his eyes holding a storm of emotions. Without a word, he stepped out of the room, only to return holding hands with the last person Haya expected to see – Meerab. She stood there, cradling a baby girl in her arms. Maa Begum's confusion was noticeable as she voiced her questions, "Meerab, why are you here? Why did you leave? Whose child is that?"

Meerab met Murtasim's gaze, finding solace in his presence, and he gently squeezed her hand, offering silent reassurance. And then, the words tumbled forth from his lips "This is Meesam, our daughter, Maa. Meerab's and mine."

Haya's breath hitched and she felt as if someone had cut out all the oxygen in the room. She couldn't believe that Meerab was back, she was back with Murtasim, both of them being hand in hand and they had a child? Haya wanted to kill her. How dare she come back after years and take Murtasim away from him? "WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE?" Haya shouted. Murtasim's retort was stern and unyielding "I don't think I am answerable to you about this haya, so better keep your mouth shut for your own well-being!"

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