Reunited pt2

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Murtasim's heart pounded in his chest, a primal rhythm driven by a surge of emotions he could no longer contain. The meshed partition that separated him from Meerab seemed like a cruel joke, a tangible representation of the barriers that had kept them apart for far too long. Determination etched into him, he ran forward, each step echoing the relentless beating of his heart that reflected his longing and desperation.

His mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, memories, and unspoken words that had festered over the years. He couldn't bear the thought of losing Meerab again, not after all they had been through. The years of separation had left scars on his soul, scars he was determined to mend with every fiber of his being.

Meerab stood on the other side of the partition, her stance as unmoving as a statue, yet her eyes betrayed the storm of emotions raging within her. Happiness and excitement coursed through her veins at the sight of the very person she had yearned for, the one who had occupied her thoughts during lonely nights and hopeful dawns, was mere inches away. The longing to touch him, to feel his presence enveloping her, was overwhelming.

But amid the sea of positive emotions, a daunting fear loomed large – the fear of the questions that Murtasim might ask. Questions about Meesam's existence and her decision to keep her hidden. She had no answers to those questions, no way to justify the choices she had made. Her inner turmoil waged a battle against the joy of their reunion.

Murtasim's sprint reached its climax as he finally closed the distance between them. He enveloped Meerab in an embrace that seemed to erase all the separation and years that had kept them apart. Holding on to her desperately , his emotions were on the edge of overflowing—a feeling of longing that he had kept pent up for far too many years.

"Meerab, I can't believe it's you." he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I thought I'd lost you forever."

Meerab's body remained rigid within his arms, the torrent of emotions threatening to overwhelm her. His presence, his touch, ignited a fire in her that she had thought were extinguished. Her heart ached for the simplicity of the past, but the weight of the present and an uncertain future pressed upon her.

"I... I've missed you," she managed to utter, her voice a fragile whisper, unable to bear the weight of the truth she dared not reveal.

As Murtasim clung to her, his grip a lifeline, he felt a mixture of euphoria and fear. The years of separation melted away as he breathed in the scent of her hair, listened to the rhythm of her heartbeat. He gently pulled away, his eyes searching hers, trying to interpret the unspoken words that danced in her gaze.

"Is this really you? My eyes aren't betraying me, are they?" Murtasim's voice trembled with a mixture of disbelief and hope. "Tell me this isn't some dream, Meerab, please. I can't wrap my head around the fact that you're actually here. The ache of missing you has been a constant. There hasn't been a single day when your absence wasn't felt, a day when I didn't yearn for you."

His voice quivered with desperation, cracks revealing the rawness of his emotions. The glistening tears in his eyes mirrored the depth of his longing as he bared his heart. "I missed our fights, you arguing over the smallest things. Your presence, your essence, your captivating doe eyes – I missed every single thing about you."

His words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of years apart, yet carried by an intense need to bridge the gap that had stood between them. Their embrace held the weight of a thousand unspoken conversations, a reunion fraught with emotions that neither of them was fully prepared to face.

Meerab's eyes held a mix of emotions—longing and uncertainty intertwined. Murtasim's words struck her deep, bringing tears to her eyes, clear evidence of their impact. In that moment, a wave of regret washed over her, as she confronted the reality of her choices. The night of their separation replayed vividly, the stinging memory of how she left him, especially after everything that happened between them that night.

Seeing Murtasim's shattered state, her heart swelled with remorse. She wished she could evaporate in thin air, freeing herself from the heavy burden of guilt that had taken root. The weight of her choices, especially the secret of Meesam's birth, bore down on her, a relentless guilt that gnawed at her conscience.

Time stretched on, the minutes feeling like an eternity. Summoning her courage, she cleared her throat, her voice fragile. "I'm sorry, Murtasim," the sentence was laced with regret and guilt. The weight of her words hung in the air, a sincere apology waiting for acknowledgment.

As their eyes met, a dam inside her broke. Tears flowed down her cheeks, each drop carrying a release of pent-up emotions. "I.....I'm so sorry, Murtasim," she sobbed, her words a filled with regret. "I left without considering anything else. I had been utterly selfish. All I cared about was myself—my ego, my commitments, my contract. I didn't considered your feelings at that moment. I'm so sorry for hurting you." Her tears flowed freely as she buried her face into his arms, seeking solace and forgiveness amidst her remorse.

"No, Meerab, I'm sorry," he choked out, his voice laden with regret. "I shouldn't have broken my promise to you. I failed you. Please, don't ever leave me again. I can't bear the thought of losing you once more. Every second without you felt like an eternity of emptiness." His voice trembled with emotion as he poured out his heart, his arms tightening around her as if afraid that she might slip away again.

Amidst their shared vulnerability and raw emotions, they clung to each other, two souls seeking reconciliation and healing, desperate to mend the rift that had torn them apart.


Meesam was utterly confused by the view of a stranger embracing her mother and bringing her to tears. The sight of her own mother crying struck deeply within her heart, a sensation that she found unbearable. Overwhelmed by a mix of confusion and concern, she began to cry out loud, her wails echoing in the room. With an instinct to seek comfort from her mother, she tugged at Meerab's dupatta, desperately trying to capture her attention amidst the emotional turmoil unfolding before her.

Meerab reluctantly broke the hug, her gaze falling upon Meesam. Fear swept over her once again as she gently lifted their daughter into her arms. Murtasim, who's emotions were overwhelmed by the long-awaited reunion with his wife, had been absorbed in the moment, oblivious to the background. Yet, as Meerab cradled Meesam, his attention shifted to the baby nestled in her embrace. An electrifying shock coursed through him, confusion printed on his face. He stared at Meerab, his eyes reflecting his bewilderment. Struggling to make sense of the scene before him, he tentatively asked, "Who's...... ummm who's this?" A heavy lump forming in his throat already.

With a dense sigh, Meerab met Murtasim's gaze, her voice carrying the weight of years of secrets. "Murtasim, this is Meesam, our daughter," she admitted, unable to hold his gaze. Shame and regret washed over her, a tide of emotions as she confronted the painful truth of having concealed their own child from him for so long.

Murtasim's mind went blank, the revelation hitting him like a tidal wave. His shock was palpable, his voice betraying his astonishment as a fractured "WHAT?" escaped his lips.

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