Bfurday? Birthday!

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Murtasim had always been a man of few words, but on this sunny morning as he prepared for Meesam's second birthday party, his smile was impossible to contain. He had missed out on a lot of things involving Meesam, especially her birth, her first word, and her first birthday, but Murtasim was determined to make up for all the lost time.

As he meticulously arranged the colorful balloons and streamers in the garden himself, Murtasim's mind wandered back to the past. He remembered the day he first held Meesam in his arms, a tiny bundle of joy with Meerab's sparkling eyes. Regret washed over him as he realized he had missed her first birthday, a day he could never get back. But he realized that he was glad to have found Meesam before she started walking, a milestone that Murtasim helped her to achieve, and he took great pride in that.

As he put the finishing touches on the decorations, he heard footsteps approaching. Turning, he saw Meerab, with a soft smile gracing her face. Her eyes shimmered with a mix of happiness and nostalgia.

"Meesam is going to be so excited," she said warmly.

Murtasim nodded, his throat tightening with emotion. "I just wish I hadn't missed so much of her life."

Meerab walked over and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "We can't change the past, Murtasim. But we can make the most of the present and the future."

Their eyes met in silent understanding. There was much to heal between them, but for now, their love for their daughter united them.

As Murtasim added the final touches to the decorations, he went back inside and found Meesam's curious gaze fixed on the decorations and lights outside. Her tiny hand gripping the side of the window as she closely observed everything.

"Baba," Meesam called out.

Murtasim's heart melted at the sound. He crouched down to her level, reaching out to ruffle her soft, dark hair. "Hey there, Meesam," he replied, "What's going on in that curious little mind of yours?"

Meesam's big, brown eyes focused on the colorful balloons, her brow furrowing in confusion as she pointed outside towards the balloons, unable to pronounce the word.

Murtasim chuckled, realizing Meesam had never seen such decorations before. "These are balloons. They're like big, colorful balls that we hang up to make your day extra special," he said, handing her a balloon.

Meesam's eyes widened with wonder as she cradled the balloon in her small hands. "Boons," she repeated, trying out the new word.

Murtasim nodded, delighted by her attempts to mimic him. "That's right, balloons. And do you know why we have balloons, Meesam?"

Meesam looked up at him, her face a picture of innocence as she shook her head.

Murtasim smiled, explaining, "Well, it's because today is your birthday, Meesam! It's a very special day just for you because you turned two years old today."

Meesam's eyes grew wide, and her face lit up with a mixture of understanding and excitement. "Me bfurday?" she asked, her tiny fingers pointing to herself.

Murtasim's heart burst at Meesam's unique pronunciation as he continued, "That's right, it's your 'bfurday,' the most special day of all."

Meesam giggled, her laughter like music to his ears. "Bfurday, baba!" she exclaimed, her chubby cheeks dimpling with delight.

Murtasim nodded, "Exactly, sweetheart. Your 'bfurday' is a day for fun, cake, and lots of presents."

Meesam's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she tried to take in the concept of presents. "Pwesents?" she repeated, her tiny fingers wiggling with excitement.

Murtasim couldn't resist her infectious enthusiasm. "Yes, Meesam, presents! After we celebrate with cake and sing 'Happy birthday,' you get to open all the colorful gifts that are just for you."

Meesam clapped her hands together in pure glee, her eyes dancing with anticipation. "Cake! Pwesents!" she exclaimed, her baby pronunciations making her words even more endearing.

Murtasim hugged her tightly, cherishing this sweet moment of connection with his daughter. As he held her close and continued to prepare for the party, he knew that her second "bfurday" would be a day they would treasure forever.

Meerab entered and saw the father-daughter duo. Meesam noticed her and cheerfully exclaimed, "Mama, it's my bfurday!"

Meerab smiled warmly, saying, "Yes, my love, it's your birthday. Now come on, let's get you ready."

The guests began to arrive, filling the garden with laughter and chatter. Meesam, dressed in a frilly pink dress, clung to Meerab's leg, her eyes wide with wonder as she took in the colorful decorations.

"Meesam, go show baba your dress!" Meerab said, lifting her up and walking over to where Murtasim was.

Meesam's eyes widened with excitement as she saw her father. For a moment, uncertainty flickered across her face, but then a radiant smile spread across her lips. She reached out her tiny arms, and Murtasim scooped her up, holding her close.

"Happy birthday, my little princess. You look so pretty," Murtasim whispered, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead.

Meesam giggled, her tiny fingers reaching out to touch her father's face. It was a moment Murtasim had longed for, a moment of connection that made all the pain of their separation seem insignificant.

The party continued with cake, games, and music. Murtasim watched as Meesam tore into her birthday presents, her eyes lighting up with delight with each new discovery. He marveled at how quickly she was growing, how much of her personality was already shining through.

As the sun began to set, Murtasim had prepared one last surprise for his daughter that he knew she would love. Meesam loved watching the Disney movie 'Tangled' and had always been fascinated by the lanterns she saw in it. So Murtasim knew what he needed to do to make his precious daughter's day even more enjoyable. He had surprised her with a beautiful lantern he had prepared for her to release into the night sky. The lantern was adorned with Meesam's favorite colors and shimmered with stars and moons.

Meesam's eyes widened in awe as she held the lantern in her small hands. "Baba, Rapunzel, ish ish," she exclaimed happily.

Murtasim and Meerab watched her with a sense of wonder and pride, their hearts swelling with love for their precious daughter. They held the lantern in their hand for Meesam to make her wish.

"Yes, Meesam. We're gonna make a wish now," Meerab said.

Murtasim knelt beside her, his voice soft and filled with wonder. "We're going to light up this magical lantern so that it floats up into the sky, just like how Rapunzel did it. Now, hurry up, make a wish."

Meesam closed her eyes for a moment, her tiny hands clasped together as if she were deep in thought. Then, with a solemn expression, she opened her eyes and whispered her wish, "Mama, Baba, Meesam forever towgether," her voice barely louder than a breeze.

Murtasim and Meerab couldn't help but tear up lightly, feeling touched by the sincerity of their daughter's wish. "That's a beautiful wish, Meesam," said Meerab.

Together, they lit the candle inside the lantern, and as it filled with warm air, it began to rise slowly into the night sky. Meesam watched it with rapt attention, her eyes fixed on the lantern as it floated higher and higher, carrying her wish with it.

The lantern joined the stars, becoming a tiny flicker of light in the vast night sky. Murtasim held Meesam in his arms, and Meerab stood by their side, their hands entwined, as they watched the lantern until it disappeared from view.

Murtasim and Meerab's gaze met each other with a shared understanding. They had went through a lot, but despite everything, they were willing to put in the effort for the sake of their of their love and their precious daughter. As the night grew late and the guests began to say their goodbyes, Murtasim felt a deep sense of contentment. He had missed out on Meesam's first birthday, but her second birthday had marked a turning point, a chance to create new memories and a bright future together.

As Murtasim picked up Meesam and carried her to her room, her eyes heavy with sleep but still filled with the sparkle of the day's excitement, he tucked her into bed, whispering a lullaby as he brushed a stray lock of hair from her forehead.

"Happy birthday, meri jaan, I love you so much," he murmured, leaning down to plant a gentle kiss on her cheek.

"Meesam lobes you too, Baba, so much," Meesam whispered as she drifted into the realm of sleep, exhausted from the day.

As he turned off the light and closed the door, Murtasim made his way towards their room. There, he found Meerab sitting on their bed, having changed for the night.

"Has Meesam fallen asleep?" she asked softly, her eyes filled with a mixture of hope and concern.

Murtasim nodded gently, a warm smile lighting up his face. "Yes, she's peacefully dreaming now."

Meerab's eyes softened with relief, and she leaned closer to him, her voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you for everything, Murtasim. You've been the best father and husband to us."

Murtasim's gaze locked onto hers, his heart brimming with love and gratitude. "No, Meerab, it's me who should be thanking you. You brought Meesam into my life, and I can never thank you enough for that."

Meerab's eyes shimmered with tears of happiness as she reached up to touch his cheek. "We're here together now, and that's all that matter. I love you, Murtasim."

Murtasim's voice was filled with tenderness as he replied, "I love you too, Meerab, more than words can express."

With those three precious words hanging in the air, they leaned in and shared a sweet, lingering kiss. It was a kiss that sealed their renewed commitment to each other and to the family they were building together. In that moment, in the quiet of the night, their love felt like the most beautiful gift of all.


Sorry for the late update. I had been caught up with the other book "fated love" but i thought that i should come back here as well!!
I hope you all like it
Sorry for any typos or errors.

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