Can love be enough? (Reunited pt4)

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Note: This is the last part of reunited shots.


The events of the previous night had left Meerab utterly drained. After her emotional confrontation with Murtasim, she felt the weight of all the newfound information pressing down on her as she retreated back to her room. A storm of thoughts and questions that flooded her mind was overwhelming. Why would Murtasim agree to marry Haya? Out of all people, why Haya? What if Saba hadn't informed him about Rohail? Did Murtasim truly love her? Had he actually made an effort to find her? Could their fractured relationship even be repaired after the revelations?

Her mind felt like a storm of chaos, each question a lightning bolt that threatened to shatter her sense of understanding. It was too much, too fast. She knew she needed to rest, to give her mind a break from the constant barrage of thoughts. With a weary resolve, she decided that sleep was her best option for now.

Yet, even as she attempted to calm her racing mind, another thought wormed its way to the surface. She had forgotten about Farukh and her uncle and aunt. Guilt twisted within her – how could she be so irresponsible? They must have been worried sick. With a swift movement, she reached for her phone, only to be greeted by a staggering 30 missed calls from Farukh.

Quickly, she dialed Farukh's number, her heart racing as he answered on the first ring. "Meerab! Thank God you picked up. Where are you? We've been trying to find you everywhere. We called, but you didn't answer. Are you alright? Did something happen?" Farukh's concern poured through the phone.

"Yes, yes, Farukh, I'm okay. I'm sorry for causing you all so much worry. I went to the mosque after Isha, where i ended up meeting Murtasim."

"Murtasim? Your husband, Murtasim?" Farukh's shock was evident.

"Yes, him. I'm with him right now. Please don't worry, I'm safe. I promise I'll explain everything soon. Just take care of yourselves and of uncle and aunty."

"umm...... Well, it's alright, Meerab. Don't worry about us. You take care of yourself, and if you need anything, i'll be here, just give me a call. Good night."

"Thank you, Farukh. Good night."

As she ended the call, a mixture of emotions swirled within her. The remnants of exhaustion, and the weight of the revelations she had learned from Murtasim still burdened her. With a final deep breath, she settled herself into bed, hoping that sleep would provide her with the respite she so desperately needed. And as the night settled in around her, Meerab drifted into a realm where questions and answers could wait, at least for a little while.


Murtasim woke to the soft cries of Meesam. Sleep had fled him throughout the night, leaving him to doze off on the living room sofa. It was around sunrise when he heard Meesam's plaintive cries. It felt weird. Until yesterday, he had been unaware of the existence of his daughter, yet an unexplainable warmth settled within his heart as he heard his daughter's cries. The instinct to protect her from the world's darkness coursed through him. "Perhaps this is what parenthood feels like," he thought, a soft smile gracing his lips, before he ascended the stairs to Meerab's room.

The door opened slight as Murtasim peeked in, revealing Meerab lost in deep slumber, oblivious to Meesam's restless movements. A chuckle escaped him, realizing that Meerab was still a sound sleeper. His attention shifted to Meesam, who was diligently attempting to wake her mother. Understanding that Meerab had endured a distressing night, Murtasim wanted her to rest for a while. With a hesitant yet determined step, he entered the room, positioning himself beside Meesam.

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