Second chance pt2

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Five Years Later

In the serene embrace of Islamabad's lush greenery, Meerab found solace within the walls of the cozy the apartment. Nestled amidst the peaceful environment, the view from the window was a panoramic masterpiece, especially on rainy days like this one when the clouds draped themselves over the mountains, lending an ethereal charm to the landscape.

Sitting by the window, Meerab's gaze lingered on the majestic mountains, their peaks veiled in a soft, hazy mist. She wrapped her hands around a steaming cup of joshanda, it's comforting warmth seeping into her sore throat. Raindrops tapped gently against the windowpane, creating a soothing rhythm that echoed the pitter-patter of memories in her mind.

In the recesses of her thoughts, a familiar voice echoed, accompanied by the faint scent of his cologne that lingered like a ghost of the past.

"Shehad ya shakar?" she asked. Meerab could almost feel the weight of his gaze, the warmth of his smile as he leaned in, his presence a comforting familiarity she had unknowingly craved for now.

"Nothing. Bas ek sip le lena," he had replied, as his lips curled into a playful smile as Meerab felt herself being surrendered to the charm of his cheesy dialogue. In that fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still, the world narrowing down to the space between them, filled with unspoken promises and whispered secrets.

Meerab could still picture the mischievous twinkle in his eyes, the way his chuckle had filled the room like sunlight breaking through the clouds. It was a memory etched into the fabric of her being, a reminder of the unspoken feelings that had once burned bright before flickering out into the darkness.

But that was before everything changed. Before that fateful night when promises were shattered like fragile glass, leaving Meerab stranded in the darkness of uncertainty. The memory cut deep, a wound that refused to heal, leaving her adrift in a sea of despair.

In the aftermath of his departure, Meerab found herself engulfed in a whirlwind of despair, her once vibrant spirit dulled by the sting of abandonment. Tears streamed down her cheeks, each one a testament to the depth of her anguish as she grappled with the overwhelming sense of loss.

Alone and adrift in a sea of uncertainty, Meerab felt the weight of her solitude pressing down on her like an anchor dragging her beneath the waves of despair. Each tear that fell from her eyes seemed to carry with it a piece of her shattered spirit, until there were no tears left to shed, and the well of her sorrow ran dry.

In that desolate moment, when the world seemed to spin on without her, Meerab made a decision born of desperation and defiance. If no one wanted her, if she was merely a burden for everyone else, then it was only fair to remove herself from the equation entirely.

With trembling hands and a heavy heart, Meerab resolved to leave behind the echoes of her pain and the ghosts of her past. She could no longer bear the weight of their expectations, the suffocating embrace of their indifference. It was time to break free from the chains that bound her, to carve out a new path forged from the ashes of her shattered dreams.

As Meerab stood on the precipice of her decision, her mind whirled with the implications of her chosen path. She couldn't go to Karachi, as Murtasim and her so called father would easily find her whenever they pleased and Lahore, held the looming fears of her father's law connections.

And so, with a determination born of necessity, Meerab turned her gaze towards Islamabad, despite not having any where to go to. In that moment, all that Meerab knew was to just leave everything behind, to find a life that she had once been snatched so ruthlessly away from.

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