The first step

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Murtasim Khan had undergone a complete transformation ever since Meesam had entered his life. He found himself spending more and more time at home, engrossed in watching Baby TV shows and children's poems on YouTube channels. Murtasim proudly claimed to know every poem on Coco Melon like the back of his hand. He took on the responsibility of handling every task for Meesam, whether it was changing her diapers, preparing her bottled milk, or picking out her clothes. He was a hands-on father, allowing Meesam only to turn to him for comfort, unless she was too fussy to calm down.

Meesam had become the center of Murtasim's universe, and while Meerab adored the adorable father-daughter duo they had become, she couldn't help but experience moments of jealousy. Still, her heart brimmed with joy watching them together. Though there were lingering traces of guilt for the past, Murtasim reassured Meerab that he had moved past it and had forgiven her.

These days, he was particularly concerned about Meesam's delayed walking which is why, every day, both Murtasim and Meesam would go to the garden to learn how to walk as Murtasim was determined to achieve the task of helping his daughter to walk.

Murtasim stood a few steps away from Meesam, his arms outstretched encouragingly. Meesam, with a determined sparkle in her eyes, took a few wobbly steps forward, her tiny feet navigating the grass beneath her.

For a moment, it seemed like she might conquer this new challenge, her face radiant with excitement. But then, the inevitable happened—Meesam's steps faltered, and she tumbled forward, landing on her hands and knees. A tiny gasp of surprise escaped her lips, her bottom lip quivering as she processed the unexpected fall.

Murtasim's heart squeezed with empathy as he rushed to her side. He knelt down, his arms opening wide, and Meesam crawled into the safety of his embrace. Her eyes welled up with tears, a mixture of surprise and disappointment clouding their usually bright gaze.

"There, there, my brave Meesam," Murtasim's voice was a soothing melody as he held her close. His hands gently rubbed her back, his touch a warm reassurance that she was safe in his arms. "It's alright, meri jaan. You're doing amazing. Walking takes practice, and falls are just a part of the journey."

Meesam's small form shivered with a mix of emotions, but Murtasim's words seemed to soothe her. His steady heartbeat and comforting presence anchored her, and she nestled into the crook of his neck, her tiny arms wrapped around him in a hug of her own.

Murtasim pressed a soft kiss on her forehead, his heart overflowing with love and pride. "You're my little champion, Meesam. Every fall is just a step closer to walking on your own. Remember, I'm right here with you, every step of the way."


Meerab empathized with Murtasim's lingering insecurity about missing early milestones in Meesam's life. He had mentioned how it deeply ached his heart that he missed her birth and her first word. Despite her reassurances that there were more moments to come, an underlying guilt still remained in his heart.

Although these moments were quite adorable and wholesome, yet, Meerab couldn't help but be slightly irked by Murtasim's overwhelming concern. Every night, he'd read random articles about child development and repeatedly pester Meerab about it.

"Meerab, it says babies should start walking between 10 to 18 months, and Meesam is now 19 months old. Why hasn't she started walking yet? I tried helping so many times but she keeps on falling down. Do you think something is wrong? Should we take her to the doctor?" he fretted.

"Murtasim, there's nothing wrong with Meesam. Every child develops at their own pace. Just because the articles mention a timeframe of 10 to 18 months doesn't mean that anyone starting later or sooner is abnormal," Meerab said, struggling to remain calm.

"But—," Murtasim began.

"No 'buts' or 'ifs,' Murtasim! I'm really exhausted and I want to sleep. Can you please put away your phone and stop disturbing me?" Meerab cut in, her irritation evident.

"Okay, I'm sorry," he whispered as he put his phone on the side table and tried to sleep.


Just like any other day, Murtasim's dedication to teaching his daughter how to walk radiated from his every gesture. As Meerab, Maa Begum, and Anwar sat enjoying their tea, Murtasim was fully immersed in guiding Meesam's tentative steps. With a tender smile, he held Meesam's tiny hands, each small movement guided with care, accompanied by her delighted giggles. The sun cast a warm and golden glow, enveloping the scene in a cocoon of gentle light, and the rustling leaves seemed to join in a symphony of nature, celebrating this heartfelt moment.

"Come on, Meesam! You're doing great!" Murtasim encouraged, his voice filled with both enthusiasm and gentle reassurance.

As Meerab observed, her heart swelled with an overwhelming surge of love. She cherished this sight of her husband patiently nurturing their daughter through these precious early steps of her life.

In an almost hushed tone, Meerab whispered to Maa Begum, "Look at them," her voice brimming with adoration and an indescribable tenderness.

Maa Begum responded with a soft and affectionate tone, "Yes, my dear. These are the moments that remain engraved in our hearts."

Anwar joined in the affectionate moment, his eyes twinkling with a mix of amusement and warmth. Taking a sip of his tea, he chimed in, "You know, it's quite something to witness. Murtasim, once the epitome of an authoritative and fiery feudal lord, has transformed into this gentle, doting father. Who would've thought?"

A soft chuckle escaped Anwar's lips, and his observation triggered a ripple of laughter among the three of them as they observed the cute moment between the father-daughter duo.

And as if taking cues from the shared laughter and the warmth of their surroundings, Meesam decided to take her own stride. With newfound determination, she steadied her wobbling legs and took a few unsteady yet triumphant steps forward, her tiny feet embracing the grass beneath her. Murtasim's eyes widened in sheer amazement, and his laughter turned into a teary-eyed cheer.

"Oh my God, Meerab, look! Meesam's finally walking," Murtasim exclaimed, his excitement evident as he tried to catch Meerab's attention. He stood just a few steps away from Meesam, his arms outstretched in encouraging support. Meesam, her eyes sparkling with determination, as she mumbled a soft "baba," while taking a few unsteady steps forward, her tiny feet navigating the grass beneath her.

Murtasim's joy knew no bounds as he swiftly enveloped Meesam in a tight embrace, his eyes slightly misty with emotion. Meerab, drawn by the excitement, walked over to them, gently holding Meesam's hand and joining in the celebration.

"Oh my Meesam, you're a big girl now. You're about to embark on your own walking adventures, and your baba, who had put his heart and soul into teaching you, might just start regretting his decision in a few days," Meerab playfully joked, her words intermingled with shared laughter.

Their laughter echoed in the tranquil garden, a joyful chorus celebrating Meesam's achievement. Murtasim's eyes shone with love as he pulled both Meesam and Meerab into a warm and loving embrace, creating a circle of affection that encapsulated their special moment.

In the golden hues of the setting sun, amidst the rustling leaves and the chorus of laughter, Murtasim leaned in and whispered, "I love you both." These simple words carried the weight of his boundless love for his small family, a love that had transformed him into a devoted father and a loving partner. Murtasim realized that the journey of learning to walk was not just about physical milestones; it was a testament to their bond, a reminder of the unwavering support and love that Murtasim would provide as Meesam continued to explore and conquer the world around her.

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