Unveiling the secrets (Reunited pt3)

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Note: this is basically the continuation of the reunited parts. I wanted to name this chapter different but its the same continuation!!


"Murtasim, please say something. You're scaring me," pleaded Meerab, her voice trembling. Murtasim stood still, his face a mask of unreadable emotions. What was Meerab trying to say? How could she keep their child hidden from him? A suffocating sensation gripped Murtasim, as if all the air had been sucked out of the room. His mind struggled to process everything. He needed answers, explanations that made sense, but this wasn't the right place for that.

"We should go somewhere else. This isn't the right place," Murtasim finally managed to say, his voice tight with the lump that had lodged in his throat for what felt like an eternity. Meerab's responsed with a quiet "okay," as she followed Murtasim towards his car, holding Meesam in her arms.


The car ride was eerily silent, both lost in their own thoughts. It seemed wise not to initiate a conversation at that moment, as their minds were still struggling with the shock of the situation. The only sounds in the car were the adorable coos and babbling of Meesam. Every now and then, her babbling and mumbling would pipe up, trying to grab Meerab's attention. Yet, Murtasim found himself unable to resist stealing glances in her direction instead. His gaze held a mix of tenderness and sorrow that further drowned Meerab into guilt but, the solace in Murtasim's gaze towards Meesam reassured her that everything will be alright.


The car's journey finally came to a halt, after what felt like ages. Meerab was surprised as she looked around. "Murtasim, why have we come here? Why are we at my parents' house?" Meerab's words were laced with anxiety. She wasn't prepared to confront her parents just yet. Murtasim's response was gentle yet resolute, "They're not here, Meerab." He tried to reassure her, his voice a soothing presence. "They went to America when Waqas chacha fell seriously ill, after you left. They sought medical treatment there and haven't returned since. They gave me the keys to the house, and I come here occasionally to get it cleaned and find a moment of solitude away from the Haveli."

As Murtasim's explanation unfolded, Meerab found herself sinking deeper into guilt and remorse. She now regretted that her departure had impacted her foster father's health. Seeking to quell her concern, she asked softly, "Is he well now?" Murtasim's reply matched her tone, a tender assurance. "Yes, the change in surroundings really helped in his recovery."

As they stepped inside the house, the weight of unspoken emotions lingered. Meesam had been surprisingly quite that indicated that she was sleepy. "I'll put her to sleep and then come back," Meerab informed Murtasim, a soft hum escaping his lips in acknowledgment. Gazing around, an unusual sense of solace enveloped Meerab as a rush of memories flooded back. Her life had undergone a complete 180-degree transformation. Though the significant changes had been tough, they had also taught her some valuable lessons.

Carefully placing Meesam on her bed, Meerab cooed softly, hoping not to disturb her slumber. "Tonight is going to be a long night," she sighed, mentally preparing herself for what lay ahead. Coming down, she spotted Murtasim sitting on the couch, his head cradled in his hands. She could imagine the whirlwind of emotions he must be experiencing. Reuniting after all this time, coupled with the revelation of Meesam's existence, must have been an overwhelming shock for him.

Clearing her throat to announce her presence, Meerab said, "Oh, you're back. Has Meesam fallen asleep?" His voice laced with genuine concern. The fact that he already cared for their child had been a realization that struck Meerab. She mentally scolded herself for ever doubting that he might question Meesam's existence. "Yes, she's sleeping soundly," she replied softly, reassuring Murtasim.

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